*Chapter Four*

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I DIDN'T REALLY LIKE A COUPLE DETAILS ABOUT THIS STORY SO I WENT BACK AND CHANGED A COUPLE THINGS ABOUT THE CHAPTERS BEFORE THIS... you might want to go back and scan over them again so you're not confused... 


Zack's P.O.V

I was on my way home from the warehouse. I had transformed it into a gym about two years ago. I couldn't deny that i was slightly proud of everything that I had done with the place. When I first checked the building out, it was a complete wreck. I almost left the place to find something different but something in me told me not to. After I cleaned everything up it was honestly perfect. I swung my gym bag onto my shoulder as I checked the time, it was almost nine and I was at the gym most of the day training. I was exhausted as I walked by brick building after brick building. I froze as i heard a strange noise.

 A couple seconds later, I heard something shifting up above me. I looked up towards the tops of the building. It was the same roof top I was at when that girl and I were running away from the cops. I was intrigued by her, slightly worried too. She looked slightly familiar and I knew she went to my school. I couldnt deny that she was very attractive but that wasnt what made me curious. i was the way her eyes looked. how she carriedherself. how she laughed as she was running away from the cops. i knew she wasnt popular at out school as i didnt even know her name but i wanted to. I shook my head. i was getting off topic.

 I left my bag at the bottom and quietly climbed up the ladder on the opposite side of the building. When I got to the top, I scanned all around but didn't see anything at first. I heard sniffling from the opposite corner so I started walking over there.

 When I got close enough I saw it was what looked like somebody that was huddled up in a little ball. I got closer and saw that it was a girl. Her frame looked familiar but I couldn't see her face. After a couple seconds of looking at her, trying to figure out who she was, her breathing slowed down even more. I assumed she was asleep but I crept over and crouched down next to her. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked while I gently put my hand on her shoulder. If this had happened a week ago, I would probably just ignore her and walk away in a blink of an eye, but something is different.

 I shook her shoulder and her head rolled to the side so I could see who she was. My eyes widened when I saw it was the girl from the other day. A giant bruise contrasted against her pale skin and she had tear stains running down her cheeks.

She seemed so small with her knees pulled up to her chest huddled up in a little ball. I brushed my finger tips against her non bruised cheek and she was freezing. I quickly whipped my leather jacket off and moved her so she was leaning against me and I could wrap it around her shoulders. It swamped her small shivering frame as I tightened it around her. 

You could see the slow breaths coming out of her slightly parted lips in puffs of white. I scooped her up in my arms and noticed that she barely weighed a thing. I held her with one arm as I climbed down the ladder and picked up my bag before I walked the last ten minutes to get home. I held her close to me, trying to keep her warm as I unlocked the door to my house. 

As I stepped in, the warm air rushed forward and instantly took off the bite of the cold wind. I heard some of the boys were still up and peaked into the living room. They were all watching T.V and talking, well slightly arguing like usual. I walked over to the stairs and set my bag down before going up. I turned into my room and lied her down on my bed. A shirt was sticking out from under her hoodie so I sat her up against me and pulled the big hoodie off of her.

 I lied her back down and saw that she had a nice frame. Not fat, but not to skinny, just perfectly balanced between the two. I had never seen her without a hoodie on. She must be exhausted because she didn't even stir once all the way home. I pulled the covers up to her chin and studied her face. Her brown hair perfectly framed her small face.

 I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of long flannel pajama pants before hopping into the shower. After I got out I shoved on the pajama pants and walked over to the couch in my room.

 I took one last look at the girl before I lied down on the couch and fell asleep  almost instantly.


This was a pretty much a short little filler chapter but the next one will be a little longer. sorry for any confusion about the little re-wright of a few details but it will make for a little more drama in the future

If you guys want to make a cover, just send it to me and i will be so happy! Wow, I already have 50 reads, that doesn't seem like much for other people but it seems like a lot to me!

Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think so far!

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