*Chapter Twenty Three*

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Four days of torturous school had passed and it was finally the weekend. I rolled over and looked at my red digital clock on my nightstand.


I shoved my face into my pillow and kept it there for a little longer before sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.


My head swiveled round and spotted my phone that was charging by my clock. I reached over and grabbed it, unplugging it, and sitting back up.

New text from 'Zack the hottest guy in the world'.

I shook my head and clicked on it with a small smile.

'Hey beautiful ;)'

'Hey average looking guy, when'd you change my contact name?'

'What ever do you mean?'

'You know what I mean'

'Fine, two days ago. You were to pre-occupied by Kyle's dance moves'

'Well I'm changing it back' I said with a smirking emoji.

'To what?'

'Maybe I should change it to Zack the average looking guy'

'Aw come on, you know that's not true'

'How about dirt face?'

'Ugh, come on, it was one time!'

'How about Zachary?'

'I will literally sic Julia on you if you do that.'

I laughed at that one.

'Why not do it yourself?' I asked with a grin plastered on my face.

'Because I don't hit girls, unless you want me to ;)' he said and I could already picture his smug face.

'Whatever, Zack it is.' I said with a slightly red face. It was a good thing he couldn't see me right now. I don't think I would ever live that one down.

'Could be more creative but okay, btw I had a reason for texting you'

'And what was that reason?'

'Well before you so rudely distracted me, I was going to see if you wanted to come to lunch with me and the boys. You can bring Julia too if you want. Cole has seemed to take a liking to her.'

I thought about it for a second before replying.

'Sure, I'll text her and see if she can go.

'Cool, pick you up at 12?'

'Sure, thanks :)'

'Anything for you darling ;)' he replied one last time.

I just laughed slightly and shook my head. Standing up, I walked over to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I still had a grin on my face and my cheeks were still a little flushed. I shrugged and started getting ready, texting Julia in the process. She said she could come and was going to come over here at 11:45. I sighed before continuing to happily get ready.

Usually I wasn't a morning person, but I guess I was today.


I heard a beep outside of my house, Julia and I stopped talking and stood up. Walking over to the door, I pulled it open and we both stepped out before I shut and locked it.

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