Chapter One

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"I love you Jonhathan just remember that please." Those were the last words he said to me before he let me go and answered the door.

Our perfect world destroyed on a sunny day before we had the chance to leave. We were found and split apart from each other because in their eyes he's a monster. They think he's bad. They want to believe he held me against my will for years but it isn't true. He loved me. He protected me and saved me but they don't want to listen to me. They won't leave me alone.

They continue to harass me with questions and telling me I'm wrong. They keep saying I'm brainwashed whenever they talk to me or others about me because any other explanation I might try to give doesn't cut it. They say I have 'Stockholm Syndrome' because I fell in love with Jared and I don't believe he is the monster they try to instill in my head.

But it's not like that! They're wrong! He's not a monster! He loved me! He still loves me and we have kids together. He loves Jayden and would never hurt him. He loves the baby he will never meet that's growing inside me now and he isn't here. It's not fair! This isn't how our life was suppose to turn out!

They took me and Jayden to the hospital to look us over and make sure we're fine. I didn't want them to touch me. I didn't want them to touch Jayden but they did. Asking questions and making up stories as they ask trying to think we went through hell with Jared. I knew the truth though and when it came back we were perfectly fine and nothing was wrong they tried to find something that was. They discovered quickly I was pregnant and quick to assume Jared was raping me but it wasn't rape. We've been together happy for years. He can't rape me if I want to be with him.

'Jonhathan, you need to stop protecting him and start telling the truth. He won't hurt you if that's what you are worried about' They said after I was given an ultrasound and someone came to talk to me.

I blocked her out. I blocked out everything my mind lost in the image of Jared I wanted to burn into my memory. Then loss for words from the picture on the screen of the baby Jared and I are having. We're having a daughter. I'm having a daughter and she's perfectly healthy. And I won't let them take her or Jayden away.

Sitting on the bed in my old bedroom at my mom's house I can already guess it's never going to be the same. I don't want to be here. I wanted to leave at fifteen so why would I want to be under the same roof again years later when I was happy where I was. I'll never be happy here and this is definitely not what I wanted to happen. But they won't let me leave. They won't let me do anything and I'm going crazy.

This is wrong. Everything is messed up all because I ran into her a few days ago. She ruined everything. She thinks she is saving me but she's far from it. She destroyed everything. She caused damage that can't be fixed and she has Jayden downstairs separated from me. He's not her son though! She doesn't know him! She's no one to him! He's mine!

She doesn't get another chance to be the mother she wasn't for me. I wished she would fucking stop because it's not going to change the way I see her. She's not my mom. She's no one to me but a monster I never liked and never will. But she won't leave me alone.

I haven't been left alone since the day the cops showed up at the door and arrested Jared. They took him and I don't want to think I'll never see him again. I don't want to be without him for the rest of my life. I want the nightmare I'm living in now to go away. Why can't it just go away?

'Probably because my life sucks. I don't deserve happiness I guess.'

With hours of questioning and trying to convince me to tell them that Jared was a horrible person that forced me to be with and did bad things but it's not going to happen. I won't make up lies to satisfy them. Nothing will have me give in to make them happy. I'll never even let them know that maybe Jared did hurt me in the beginning but that's none of their business.

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