Chapter Twleve

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I try to shut my eyes and fall asleep but every time I do I remember everything bad I've blocked out and buried. I see everything I don't want to and I can't shake it off. It keeps pulling me back to the night Jared arrived home hours after I found the box of pictures and belongings I know didn't belong to him. Pictures of other teenagers chained in the same attic I was. One after the next I fumbled through them with my shaky hands. Rummaging through a wallet, a keychain, a couple phones before I dropped the box onto the floor. All the contents laid out as my heart raced frantically.

I remember sitting there for hours trying to tell myself it's not true. Trying to believe I was making it into something bigger then it really was. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stop the thoughts more dark then they should be forming. Questions and excuses I kept asking myself and giving to reassure my terrifying nerves.

I remember getting up quickly and searching the house for something I wasn't sure everywhere unlike ever before. I can never forget Jayden crying and screaming at the loud noises I was making opening every drawer. Pulling out everything to find out who Jared really was.

I had to know. I wanted to know everything. I knew there was more. I knew he was hiding more from me but I wasn't sure I wanted to know what more there could be.

I wanted to get away. I wanted to escape the dark house I was trapped in. I wanted to be far away from someone I really didn't know. I wanted to take Jayden away with me and never return.

But that was too much thinking. I wasn't attempting to leave when I had the chance. I hadn't realized either, through my search and desperation for answers and questions that kept piling on, hours had passed by. Jared was walking into the house in a good mood. He had a smile, he looked happy to see me before his eyes roamed the inside of the house turned upside down.


"What are you doing?" he questions as I stop dead in my tracks with the entire house in the disarray I caused. "What are you doing Jonhathan? Why is everything on the floor?" he asks again stepping in and shutting the door behind him inching closer.

I realize quickly I should get away. Adrenaline surges through me as I run to the room where Jayden is. Rushing in as I struggle to shut the door he won't let me close.

"Open the damn door Jonhathan!" he shouts as I try to shove him back to be able to lock Jayden now crying and I in.

"Just leave me alone! Just leave us alone!" I shout back my heat pounding worse than before.

I don't know what to do. I just don't want to be here anymore knowing I wasn't the first person he brought home and locked in the attic. I don't even want to think about what happened to them. I don't want to be around him when he knows I've found out some of his secrets.

I knew all along he wasn't a good person the moment I walked in. I had that undeniable feeling telling me to leave but I didn't. I didn't turn back like I should have. I didn't escape the night of the party. I didn't take my chance I had before Jayden was born. I didn't leave because I wanted to believe he loved me like he says and he would change but I don't think I want to stay anymore. I don't want him to love me after seeing what I've seen. I don't want him around Jayden.

It's too late though I don't stand a chance as I stumble back onto the floor as Jared makes his way in. He looks insane giving me the same look he did when I tried to leave. He looks angry but I haven't even tried to leave yet. All I did was go through his stuff he didn't want me to find. I cluttered the place when he was gone and now I'm scared.

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