05 Bed Time With Draco

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Hermione POV

"You are friends with Malfoy?!" Harry yells at me.

"Yes, I am," I reply

"Why?! How!"

"Would you calm down a minute?" I ask

"Why are you guys friends, do you not remember what happened to you?" He asks

"Of course I remember. I just don't care. He couldn't stop it. If he tried he would have been killed. Plus people can change. He changed Harry. Almost everyone changed. He changed for the better. And he wants to make amends for everything he did. So him and I are friends now. Don't say anything further okay? Take the day tomorrow and think about it. Ron is doing the same thing. Tell me after tomorrow." I say then walk away. I see Draco, and I walk over to him.

"Hey Draco," I say starting a conversation.

"Hey Hermione! I saw you talking with Harry. Is everything okay?" He asks

"Everything is fine, I told Ron and Harry and Gin about us being friends. Gin was fine with it. She was surprised but she is fine now. Harry and Ron will take a little longer. I told them not to talk about me and you until after tomorrow so they know for sure what they want from me. And even if they don't want me to hang out with you, I still will," I tell him.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because even though they can't see that you have changed, I have. The only reason I want them to tell me how they feel is so i have a better understanding of them. If that makes any sense at all."

"No it makes sense. I just still can't believe you are doing and risking so much for me."

"It's what I do for friends Draco. If they can't see that you have changed I don't think they have changed like I thought they did. Can you get it through your thick skull that I care about you?" I say

"Um it will take a little while to get used to that idea."

"Well get used to it then because I won't stop caring for you Malfoy."

"Then I will. Thank you Hermione, for everything."

"No problem, I'm going to head off the the common room. Have a great night Draco," I tell him

"I will, you have a good night as well."


Morning in the great hall

"I have a huge announce everybody! Because the castle is still being worked on I decided to have everyone in cabins. There will be sections, seven sections each section is a year. There will be two in each cabin. One boy and one girl. On your bed is the name of the person you are sharing with. Now I did not just randomly pick two people together. The sorting hat told me who would be right to put two together. So no funny business about who your partner is. Now, you need to pack for a month time. You will be in the cabins for a month. Have everything packed and ready by dinner tonight. You have no classes today so you can have enough time to pack. Enjoy breakfast, and see you lunch!" McGonagall said

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