09 Dancing in the Rain

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*half way edited

Hermione's POV

McGonagall asked Draco and me to stay for a bit after dinner. I don't understand what Draco and I have done to get talked to. I know I've become more of a bad girl, but I'm still not that bad. Right?


I saw Draco walking toward me. As he was walking to me I heard the Hall go silent again. How do they still think we are pranking the whole school? If I loathed him as much as I did before the War then I wouldn't be 'pranking' the school as a joke. I'm to good for that.

"Hey babes. Ready to talk to McGonagall? I am" Draco said as he came up to me, and then planted a kiss. See? Not a joke! I would have pulled away. Idiots.

"I am too, it's not like we've done something stupid." He grabbed my hand and we headed off to McGonagall's office. As we left the Great Hall we heard everyone one start whispering. It stopped for a bit, but when I said "we've done something stupid" people got curious again.

"Wasn't that a fun exit," Draco stated. "Well, we have had better ones" I replied. Draco and I are going to have so much fun with this.

"I wonder how long it will take everyone to get used to me and you dating." I wondered. "Who knows, but I don't care, let's get to McGonagall's so we don't get yelled at more," Draco said.


"It seems you two have created quite the ruckus in the school. Care to explain you two?" McGonagall said getting straight to the point. Like always.

"It started when you have out the assignments. I was furious with you. How could you have put two arch enemies in the same cabin together. I didn't understand it. I've hated his guts since I met him." Okay not all true, "But as we had to deal with each other a lot more now, I saw that he changed. He wasn't the cruel Malfoy I used to know. He became kind and caring. I realize now that you saw that too. You figured out that since he changed it would be good for us to be on good terms. But only we are on slightly better ones now." I answered her question with a small smile.

"For me it was hard also. But I was greatfull. Ever since I came back to Hogwarts I wanted to make amends for everything. I planned on talking to Harry, Ron and you Mimi. What I didn't expect was to be put in the same cabin as you. I know you forgave me before that but being roommates for a month? I was pretty happy to say the least. Why did you the arrangements to be boy and girl?" Draco answered as well.

"I'm glad that you two made to made up. And yes Hermione I saw that Draco changed. I did not, however know you two were on good terms before I gave the partner slips out. I'm thankful you guys are good now. I'm guessing you two are dating? And I'm also guessing Ron is not happy about it." McGonagall responded to both of us. "Yes we are, and Ron is royally pissed. It's quite funny actually. It's so fun to watch him get so bloody angry when he sees me with Mimi. It's like he knows that Mimi will not ever take him back, but I love how he tries anyways. It's like my own personal tv show." Woah, I can't believe he just said that. he likes getting Ron mad?! I will never understand him. Sometimes I wonder what goes up into his big head of his. I can't believe Ron can be so bloody mad. Maybe if he changes his ways then we could stay friends but I don't know how well that will work. I should talk to him later about it.

"Hermione?" McGonagall drew me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what did you ask?" I answered.

"I asked if you want to be Head Girl. Draco will be Head Boy." I was in my own world for that long? "Now I was just telling Draco here the possibilities if you and him breaking up. And if you are both Head Boy and Girl during the break up, you will still be required to work together. I don't care about your personal life's, so please set the aside for this position. You two are very bright, you both know that. So I'm putting this in your hands." Don't you just love how she was talking to me like I already said yes to being Head Girl? Now, I didn't say I was going to say no. Because we all know I have always wanted this position.

"I would love to Professor. We won't let you down" I replied.

"That's what I like to hear. Thank you for coming, now go to class."


Classes are over and we are all headed to dinner. McGonnagal won't tell everyone about us being Head Boy and Girl until tomorrow, so basically this dinner is pointless just like the other ones.

I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and lean into my face. "I was thinking we ditch dinner and spend some alone time in our cabin? And make dinner together. You know, because I'm hungry for your cooking." Draco whispered to me. When he talked his lips kept brushing my ear. I got the shivers every time. I was so mesmerized by him all I could do was nod. Once he saw me nod he tightened his grip around my waist and lifted me up and out of the bench I was sitting on. He didn't let me go though. Well yes I walked, but he pulled me as close as he could when we were leaving the Great Hall. Did I mention that the Hall was silent as we walked out? No? Well it was.

He never let me go as we went to our cabin. Even when we were flying back. What's his problem? Can't get enough of me lately? Haha! Yea right.

Boy was I wrong. When we got to our cabin and inside, Draco immediately started kissing me. I don't know why, but I loved it. Our kiss didn't even start out gentle, is was straight to passion and lust. We were kissing so hard that before I knew it, I was up against a wall. I, on instinct, wrapped my legs around his waist. He slowly grabbed my wrists and pulled them up the wall. He was to strong for me to get my hand down to run them through his hair. I hate it when he does that. All of a sudden Draco started kissing the sensitive part on my neck. I leaned my neck the other way so he has a better access. Just as he picked me up to who knows where I heard rain. I absolutely love rain. I always go out and play in the rain. Sadly yes, even if Draco and I are having a very heated make-out session.

As soon as I heard the down pour of rain I jumped off of Draco and squealed like a little girl.

"Draco! It's raining! We HAVE to go outside and dance! I do it every time. Come on!" I enthusiastically exclaimed, while jumping up and down. I grabbed his wrist and started pulling him towards the door.

"Really Mimi? You have to do it now?"

"No, not me. We! We are going to dance to together partner! Now let's go!" As I started dragging him out again I heard him groan. You'll have fun Draco, just watch.


"Okay, okay, I'll admit it, I had fun. I had fun, singing, dancing, running around, and just being with you while you are doing something you absolutely love." Isn't he the sweetest? "Well because I'm freezing, and I know your freezing, I say we go warm up with love huh? Huh?" And he's back. Seeing how I never say no to him, I said sure. He is just to sweet to me. Which is weird seeing how he was a bitch before.

But anyways, "Sounds like a splendid plan babe." And with those words we went into a can't-kept-my-hands-off-of-you coma. And we didn't come out until we finished doing the deed.

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