(Edited) Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four


It has been half an hour since William arrived. We've been practicing ever since. He completely changed the choreography. He did like the song I chose though, so we're keeping that. I must admit, he is quite talented. He looks so focused and determined, I'm impressed. I've been enjoying our practice session so far. Not that I can say the same for Aiden. Unlike me, Aiden looks sour and disinterested. I have to occasionally remind him that I'm not the only one who's supposed to dance, that this project requires team-work.

"No, no, no, no—not like that! See, you're doing it all wrong. You're not supposed to move your waist like that," William instructs. He walks over, and stands in front of me, forcing Aiden to shift away to give him space. He proceeds to firmly plant his hands on either side of my waist, pushing them first left, then right, and then left again in a fluid manner. My cheeks immediately burn with embarrassment.

After instructing me how to move, he steps back and returns to where he was initially standing. Aiden takes his place, and I can see a scowl plastered on his face. He's been like this ever since William arrived. I reluctantly put my hand on his shoulder again and let him wrap his around my waist. I seriously don't want to do this anymore. Sure, I like him but I don't like him like this. I don't like how he's constantly scowling, getting pissed at the smallest of things, and not being cooperative at all.

"And now, start from the beginning, alright?" William instructs. I turn to look at Aiden. I immediately feel my breath hitch and my heart do a tiny little somersault in my chest. Aiden pulls me closer, causing our bodies to crash gently. I can't stop the butterflies from erupting in my belly. I suddenly feel so weak and helpless. Hot, fizzing electricity runs down the surface of my skin. I resist the urge to pull away, to turn around and leave. What else can I do? It's that or crossing this torturous gap between us and...


The feel of his taut muscles against my chest, and his warm breath on my face makes it hard for me to breath. How can I hide my feelings when he gets this close to me and makes me feel like this? And those eyes; those deep, dark-brown eyes will be the death of me.

I force myself to look away.

We both start dancing as soon as the music begins to play. One step back, one step forward; freeze, twist; one step back, one step forward. His back feels stiff under my hands. His fingers are digging into my skin, just a little above my hips. We're not looking at each other.

"Stop, just stop both of you," William interrupts us. We both turn to look at him. I feel a prickle of annoyance. What now?! "There's no...chemistry; no heat." Aiden and I stare at him incredulously.

"Both of your bodies are too far apart, there's a lot of distance. This is salsa, alright? It's like making love on the dance floor. Your bodies need to mold into one fluid being. Your steps should leave a trail of fire on the stage. When you hold each other, it should seem like you were made to hold each other. Where's the energy, the sexiness?" William demands.

Oh I don't know. I think it died, just like our friendship.

"Here, let me show you both exactly what I mean." He asks Aiden to step aside, and takes his place. His hand replaces Aiden's around my waist, and I hold onto him firmly, one of my hands resting on his shoulder and the other holding his hand. William puts his hand on the small of my back, and pulls me close. He looks completely poised while I'm close to having a heart attack.

I've never been one of those girls who could be completely natural and carefree in front of hot guys. I'd always acted a little giddy, or a bit hyper around them. Worst case scenario: I've become a stuttering mess, shutting up completely. I've always had trouble talking to attractive boys or feeling comfortable around them. And here's this gorgeous guy standing just a heart beat's distance away from me, I think I'm going to faint.

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