Chapter Two

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Picture on the side is of Jamie :3

Chapter 2

Day two, June 1,

I GET TO SPEND THE WHOLE SUMMER AT THE RIVER AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF JAMIE AND I ARE GONNA GET TO STAY THERE ALL ALONE! I think I'll get him screaming my name by the end of the summer. Heh.

Nothing else cool or important happened yesterday...well other than Mr. Fluff bringing in a dead rat, but id rather not talk about that. Trust me it was really gross! Really, really gross!

Maybe today will be more interesting I hope so, mom said that we're leaving first thing tomorrow so I'll have to keep myself entertained until then...

Anyways I really have to start packing now cuz I haven't even decided on what to pack! Honestly I think it might just take the whole summer for me to decide!

Love, Love~

This time I don't hide the diary under my mattress. Number 1- I'm home alone, and 2- I'm going to pack it in a soon as I can find one.

"If I were a suitcase where would I be... CLOSET!"

I run over to my way too small closet and pull open the shiny white doors.

"Mr. Suitcase I think you need to come out of the closet so I can fill you with my junk." I laugh but I'm shortly interrupted by a cough. I turn and face the ever so yummy looking boy leaning on my classic white door that matched the closet's.

"Why hello there handsome." I bat my eyelashes like one of those innocent but flirty girls. Jamie smiles rolling his eyes and removes himself from his leaning position and over to my side "What no, hey there sexy or sup cutie?" I put on my best puppy dog face and pout up at him.

"Hey Logan." He ruffles my hair softly until he's satisfied with the destruction.

"You're lucky I haven't fixed my hair yet!" I growl at him brushing away the stands that have fallen into my eyes. Once I'm content with my work, I go back searching through the abyss also known as my closet. Tossing away a few shoes and fallen shirts that I didn't even know I owned. I finally spot familiar all black suit case I've used for who knows how long. I pull on the handle. The stubborn thing doesn't even budge.

"This means war!" I jerk and tug on it until I'm out of breath. "Jamie! Get it! It's being mean! It made my amazingly soft hands turn red and rough!" I lift my hands up and show him. "See!"

A small sneaky smile appears on his smexy face. "And what do I get in return?"

I take a step forward and smirk flirtatiously and in a hushed tone I whisper, "Me."

Jamie looks me up and down and slyly replies, "Oh Logan, I already have you. You're going to have to do better than that."

My smirk is replaced with shock then anger. No, I'm not actually mad but it's funny to watch how Jamie reacts, but even though I was messing with him I'm still pretty shocked. It's not like Jamie to say things like that...Heh, I like it though. My eyes graze over his muscular body, and then I remember I'm mad at him.

"Do not!" I whine and jump onto my puffy bed covering my head with my lime green fuzzy pillow. If you haven't guess yet I really like the color green...well bright green, I'm not really a fan of dark boring colors, like brown. Eww just thinking of that bland color makes me upset! But I guess some people like it, but even so I'm not the type of person to keep things to myself, they'll just have to get over my opinionated mind.

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