Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

I awake to the faint sound of crying. Well that and the sound of angered whispers. Although the noises were incoherent it's quite easy to guess who they were coming from. My first reaction was to go down there and hug him until he was happy again, then I remember I was pissed at him. Then again I'm sad hugging him would make both of us happy. No! I can't! I have to show him I'm not the type who can be played with. I'm no doll! 

"Ezekiel sweetie I'm feel so bad just letting you sit in here crying." my mom walks into the room and sits on the bottom bunk, next to Ezekiel I suppose.

"N-no really Mrs. Love, I'm a-all good." Ezekiel stutters. Sure Ezekiel, that was so believable...

"Aw, honey do you want some juice?" ah hell no! He's not taking my juice! 

"N-no...I'm fine. Thanks." yeah that's right....don't even think about my beautiful juice. Maybe I'll just date it... Juicy would never lie to me! 

"Okay sweetheart. If you want anything let me know." My mom gets up and leaves the room. 

I don't want to get up and face Ezekiel but I have to pee. I hear movement from under me so I quickly scoot over to the ledge of the bed and peer down at Ezekiel. Damn...he looks bad. His usually sexy hair is all messed up-not in a  good way-and his face is metal less and all red. He's laying down with his eyes closed but for some reason he decides to open them just long enough to see me. 

I wave and keep my eyes on him. Ezekiel returns my kind gesture with a sheepish smile. I know I should be mad at him b-but he just looks so sad and pouty! Forgiving him now would be too soon. I'm still sad. I look away from Ezekiel and get out my diary..

Dear Mr. Diary...

I sometimes wish I was never born. Not a lot...just on days like today and yesterday. Why you ask? Well of course I'll explain... 

Both Jamie and Ezekiel are the biggest assholes in the whole world! Ezekiel made it seem like I was suppose to make Jamie like me but really it was his plan to get me liking Ezekiel. 

Now I will have to give them props. Their little plan worked. But lying is low and stupid. They're stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

*oh and Jamie if you're reading this (you little bastard) I hope you feel really bad right now!

I can't trust my own best friend! I don't have Ezekiel anymore. I guess that means I'm all alone. Wait 'till Lannie finds out. Heh, I bet she'll kick Ezekiel's ass. 

So even though I feel really sad and pissed I'm going to continue my checklist. However it's going to be a pretty hard task seems as if this book is out to get me. Today I have to flirt someone up until they give me their number. That's right. Doing this is going to require a bunch of flirting on my half, something I'm not really up for a day after I got my heart broken twice. Then again maybe it's best just to forget all about Ezekiel and Jamie...yeah. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. 

Well I suppose I should go now...

Oh but by the way I'm looking pretty sexy with my lip piercing. (just thought I should mention that.) 

Love, Love.

"THEY DID WHAT?!" Lannie exclaims with her eyes wide. 

"Yeah this whole time they were playing me." I pout. 

"Aw my poor baby!" Lannie hugs me tight. "I'm going to kick their asses!" see what did I say?

"Yeah, you should." I sigh and lightly hug her back. "But before you do would you help me get a cute guy's number?" 

Lannie pushes me away from her. "You want me to do what?" she cocks an eyebrow. 

Heh, I don't think that was the best way to say it. 

"I mean the checklist, it said to get a person's number. You know I'm committed to that list!"

Lannie lets out a breath. "Gotcha. You know Logan this might be fun and easy. Living here has its advantages. I couldn't help but notice a pretty nice cabin full of teens just down the road. In fact I sometimes go talk to them." she grins excitedly. "Oh and the guy whose parents own it is quite adorable and his older brother is so hot!"

I'm starting to wonder why Lannie didn't tell me about this place earlier. I bet it's like my heaven! Then again they might all be straight. Damn. 

"Come on Logan it'll be lots of fun." She claps her hands have a feeling you're really going to like Trevor. I will admit he's quite nice to the eyes."

I can't help but to get a little excited-not in that way you perv- I'll be cool meeting new people. I've always love to make new friend and all. And going with what Lannie said very attractive new friends. 

I think I'm going to like today. 

After lunch Lannie and I head for the cabin. As soon as it's in seeing distance I start to get a little nervous. The cabin was big, bigger than Callie's big. I swear these people must be loaded. It kind of makes me wonder what their real house looks like. I bet it's huge! 

As we grow closer I start to hear people out back of the place and smell some sort of fire. I bet they're making a bonfire! I love those, but isn't it kind of early to make one? Hmm. Nah, it's never too early for one! 

"Trevor get back here with the-Oh! Hey Lannie!" a pretty blonde girl smiles happily and starts walking our way. "Oh who's that cutie?!" Please don't be another Tracy! 

"This is Logan, Logan Abby. Oh and before you start crushing on him I'm just going to let you know he's into guys." Lannie says.

"Hey!" I pout. "Lannie what if I don't want everyone knowing that?" 

Lannie gives me the look. "Really Logan? You're the one who wanted a hot guy's number. It wouldn't be hard to figure it out when you're flirting it up with the guys." 

My cheeks go pink. "M-Maybe not!" 

"It's perfectly fine Logan! I'm not going to judge you at all! My own big brother happens to like the dick too." Abby smiles sweetly. "He's here but I suggest you not mess around with him." she looks around and when she sees no one is there she whispers. "He's kind of a whore.." 

Lannie gasps. "He can't be! He's the sweetest guy I've met!" 

"He just acts that way." 

"Who acts what way?" A deep groggy voice comes up from behind me. 

"It's nothing Trevor. Did you fall?" Abby sighs. 

Come on Logan all you have to do is turn around. This is what you've been waiting for. Trevor could be the person you'll date. Just turn around. Finding the courage I finally turn around. 

Damn Lannie has taken me to heaven. I like it here. Can we stay?! 

"I tripped!" the brunette pouts rubbing his lower back. 

Abby rolls her eyes. "It's because you don't look where the heck you're going! How'd you even trip?" 

"Who's this Lannie?" The guy, who I'm guessing to be Trevor, asks ignoring his sister's question. 

"I'm Logan!" I grin as sweetly as possible. "Lannie friend!" 

"Yeah! I brought Logan over to cheer him up. You see he had his poor little heart broken!" Lannie hugs me tightly from the side. 

"Who on earth would want to break this little cutie's heart?!" Trevor asks leaning down a bit so he's on my level. Yes he's taller than me but not as tall as Ezekiel, about a inch or so taller than Jamie actually. 

"My stupid cousin that's who!" Lannie release her tight hold making me stumble just a bit. 

"What?! Ezekiel! I thought he was cool!" Trevor pats my head. "Damn you have nice hair." 

I smile. "I know! It's from my mom's side!" he doesn't have to know I spend a while making it look this awesome. Heh. Then again I have to say his hair doesn't look like bed head either..

"So soft." He laughs. "Do you use girl shampoo?" 

Yes...only because it smells yummy! I swear I'm sometimes tempted to eat that shit. "I do not!" maybe i should tell the truth. "Okay I do..." I smile embarrassingly. 

"D'aww you're adorable." I'M NOT ADORABLE, I'M SEXY! "Lannie  you're the greatest! Bringing me cute a guy!" 

Lannie giggles. "I know I am! You'll have to repay me well!"

"Oh I will!" 

"Eh Logan can I take to you just for a second?" Abby asks grabbing my wrist. She starts dragging me away before I can answer. 

"Please don't kill me!" I cry as she pushes me to the side of the cabin. She's tiny but damn is she strong! 

"Logan killing you is the last thing I want to do today. I'm just going to warn you. Trevor may seem all sweet and type but he always dumps someone after a week. He gets bored easily so I've also heard stories of him cheating. If I were you I'd not mess with him." 

But he's so cute! Would it  that bad for me to just try? Maybe all I need is a week! Just one week. That's a long time, kind of. A lot has happened in the two weeks of summer, a months worth of stuff! I'll survive with a week. If I know it's coming I can't be upset. 

"Thanks for the concern Abby but I'm going for it anyway." I grin slightly and begin to walk back.

"Okay, but don't say I didn't remind you Logan." She calls. I wave her off and continue to Lannie and Trevor. Heh he's defiantly week worthy. 

"What did my little sister have to say?" Trevor asks. 

"Oh um." I search my brain for something to say. Luckily a heard of teens burst from behind the house and begin to fire water balloons at the three of us. 

Lannie playfully screams and covers her self the best she can with her arms. My method of staying protected was drop to the ground in a ball and hope no one steps on me. 

"Really guys?!" Trevor laughs getting hit right in the stomach. I giggle softly as his white shirt becomes transparent and sticks like glue to his skin. 

Damn someone works out...

"Who's this?" A brunette asks pulling me up by my shirt. Well thanks for stretching it out. Bitch. 

"This is," Trevor pulls me away from my captor's man hands, "Logan. Lannie's friend." 

"Well nice to meet you Logan, I'm Drew." He grins then chuckles softly. 

What da f? Once again a freezing cold water balloon explodes against my back making goosebumps pop up on my arms. Damn these people. I pout and cross my arms in attempt  to warm up. It didn't work. 

"Stop pelting Logan with freezing cold water. He's fragile." Lannie hugs me from my side. What's with that fragile thing? I'm not-okay maybe I can be...

"Hey Lannie." Drew smiles and in an instant Lannie's face turns bright red. 

Someone has a crush~ 

"Hi Drew. It's nice to see you again." 

"Been a while. What were you up to?" 

This is boring. The others had already abandon us and returned to whatever it was that they were doing before they decided to throw those evil water balloons at us. 

I give a pleading look to Trevor in hope that he'd save me from this. Grinning like a Cheshire cat he takes my hand and pulls me away into the cabin. I don't stop to ask him where our destination was. I kind of had a feeling wherever we'd end up I'd be perfectly fine with it. 

Just as I thought we end up in some bedroom. Several sleeping bags were scattered on the floor in a careless manner and a few metal framed beds line the pale yellow walls. As I'm about to ask what we're going to do Trevor speaks up ad if he could read my mind. "So I figured the rest of this house would be all noisy," he pauses and the rambling of people can slightly be heard from down stairs, "so I brought you to the only place I thought would be quiet enough." 

I raise an eyebrow. "Quiet enough for...?" 

"Oh to talk or something." I know that's probably the last thing he wants to do. I can see it in his eyes. It's really not that hard to tell he's a player. 

A smirk plays on my face and I begin to imagine what Trevor would look like with a little less clothing. Normally I'm not like this but something in me snapped or something. Oh my god I'm turning into a man whore. Trevor turned me into a whore just by looking at me. "IM NOT A WHORE!" 

Trevor gives me a concerning look. Great now he thinks I'm a freak. Believe it or not I tend to keep calm when in just meeting someone...unless of course I'm with my friends. I'm all hyper then. 

"Heh," I laugh nervously, "I blurted that out's just sometimes when I get nervous I say thing I don't mean...wait! I-I'm really not a whore! I'm a little virgin who can't get a boyfriend-"

"Logan really it's fine." Trevor laugh patting my back. 

I let out a breath. "That's good. For a second I thought you were going to think of me as a freak." 

Trevor just laughs. 

By the time the sun starts setting I swore I knew everything about my newest friend. Trevor. He's really interesting! Like he's deaf in one ear, something happened when he was born. He likes riding motorbikes, he has cat like me, and he has a younger brother. 

I also met a lot of other people they invited Lannie and I to stay for their bonfire but I remembered my mom told me this morning to be back by nine. I really wanted to stay and it didn't help that Lannie was no where to be found. But luckily for me Trevor offered to walk me back. I mean really I couldn't go alone, a small boy who barley weighs 100 pounds, walking alone in the dark woods. That wouldn't go down well.

"Thanks again for walking over." I smile at Trevor as we approach my cabin. Ezekiel was curled up on one of the chairs, his eyes fixed on Trevor and me. 

"Really it's fine. I wish you could have gotten to eat some of my awesome s'mores though."  Trevor chuckles. 

"Well maybe tomorrow." I grin sweetly. I'm not sure what came over me but I wanted to do something to piss Ezekiel off, and as usual I do the first thing that comes to mind. I quickly and softly peck his cheek then run towards my cabin giggling like a school girl.

"Bye Logan." I hear Trevor call smugly. When I turn around again he has already faded into the darkness of the warm silent night. 

"Who was that?" My mom, who had just joined Ezekiel and I outside, asks raising a eyebrow. 

"Oh that's Trevor, Lannie's friend." I smile innocently hoping that my mom wouldn't question further. 

"Whore..." I hear Ezekiel grumble. 

"Ezekiel!" my mother gasps and pulls me towards her. Her arms wrap around me in 'protection'.

I can't believe he just called me that! A whore! I'm not a whore! I don't fuck any hot guy I see! That was an innocent kiss on the flipping cheek! I did nothing wrong! 

Warm sticky tear form in my eyes as I push my mom away. "Screw you Ezekiel."  and for the second time I walk away from him wanting so badly to punch something. 

"No Logan I didn't-" I slam the cabin's door behind me cutting Ezekiel off. 

And I thought the bastard cared.... 

That's Trevor->

DX I'm making Ezekiel seem horrible! I'm sorry for the late update my mom kept taking my phone so I couldn't write. It was hell! But anyways I've got it for now ^^ 

I've notice the story doesn't get as many votes as before and that makes me all sad and such...if you like it please vote and comment! I'll love you forever!

Oh I'd also like to point out yesterday I got like six new fans so I'm pretty happy right now!!

...*sigh* one last VERY important thing! This is a matter of life and death! ..okay not I'm writing this new story and I have a-I'm stuck. You see the story can go two ways, be another boyxboy or it could be like a bromance thing...which would you rather read? Please help!!

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