Chapter 10 : The illusion of Aloof

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Im so sorry i missed yesterdays update!!! >.< please forgive me with two chapters this week!


{Third Person P.O.V}

The past few days Alex's bundle of friends have missed his absence. Mostly the brunette who met him first, Alex didn't realize how much he really meant to the group speaking he never really had close friends in middle school nor elementary possibly one or two in elementary but that vision was a blur for him. Emma noticed how he has been ignoring them completely spending more and more time next to the annoying tall blond who could hurt Alex anytime he wants in a second. Emma was frightened and angered at Alex, No she was jealous  of Jordan always being around Alex. Kyle has noticed Emma's mood change when she sees Alex and Jordan, apparently Sasha noticed to.

Kyle decided to ask her what was on her mind, "Emma? What's wrong?" He placed his hand on her shoulder to have it swatted away coldly, He was surprised something was surely wrong. ''Emma?" He spoke up slightly more concerned than before.

"S-Sorry... Its just Alex, I just feel he doesn't need us anymore.." She looked up with lost eyes unsure how to gather her thoughts together.

"Why are you so worried about him?"

"Its just...." She paused taking a deep breath trying to figure out how to put words together. "Never mind its better if I keep this to myself and forget about this." She looked down at the cold floor shrugging it off. "Lets just forget about him." She walked off leaving one of her best friends standing there dumbfounded of what he just heard. He noticed she acted this way when awhile back a day after they met Alex right when her girlfriend broke up with her, so he was curious if she got into another bad relationship.

{Alex's P.O.V}

I step foot into the school to be pulled around into another hallway that was half empty with a few people still lingering, I turn around to come eye to eye with Jordan. "Alex, I asked her out and now were dating!" He smiled hugely, I couldn't help but smile back happily now that I don't have to worry him blabbing my secret. I can finally sit with my friends at lunch and hang out with them, I feel officially bad I ditched them but I had to fight this thing straight with Jordan alone. "That's great.." A part of me was sad that I just got to know Jordan to just forget talking. I spaced out...not realizing Jordan was still rambling about Hannah. "I gotta go get my books for math." He nodded waving me off heading into math before me.


The whole day I didn't really talk to Jordan he kept rambling about his new girlfriend it got sickening, but thank god it was lunch. I grabbed my lunch and ran down to the lunch room and spotted my friends at our circular table and sat down. "Annnnnd guess who is back!" I smiled looking at the group of friends who didnt seem like themselves. "Hey Alex!" Kyle and Sasha said together glancing at Emma. "Hey Emma look its Alex! Arnt you gonna say Hi?" Sasha said. Emma looked up and our eyes met but she didn't say anything though. "Emma?" I asked. Something was wrong she seemed mad at me, but the question was why? "Emma are you mad at me?" She got up and left me, Kyle and Sasha at the table. "Do you guys know what's wrong with her?!" They shook their heads. "Were just as confused as you are" Sasha said. "Although, Im unsure if you knew she got out of a bad relationship a day after we met you and you didnt seem to notice but she was acting how she was now, Trying to block out the world and everyone around her." I nodded remembering her texting me. "Ill try talking to her after school."



Another day passed and Emma still was mad but I did manage to get her to talk, that's a step forward at least. I was happy she did started talking to me once she realized that I was back from Jordan's hell. I grabbed my lunch and was about to head down when I was dragged into the bathroom and shoved against the wall hitting my head. I fell to the ground looking up to see three tall scary guys towering over me. "How did you do it!!" They yelled grabbing the collar of my shirt. "Do what?!" I cowardly slid out of my shirt backing up to the opposite end of the bathroom now shirtless and afraid. "How did you get Jordan to be a coward ?! How did you get him to stand down to you!!!" I was trembling, "I Didn't do anything I just helped him with that girl Hannah." I shakily spoke. They all smirked inching closer to me. "Now if you wanna get out of this somewhat untouched tell us everything Jordan told you about himself." I couldn't stop uncontrollably shaking or speak, I shook my head. A fist collided into my chest knocking the wind out of me.


I breathed heavily on the bathroom floor, they left. I told them everything. I couldn't move, I was scared and badly hurt with bruises and a bit bloody. Lunch was over and so was fifth period but nobody came looking for me. Even after helping Jordan I didn't really think I would get hunted anymore. My head was spinning and the room started to go a bit dark. Before my eyes shut I heard a voice calling my name I could see the figure but I couldn't quite make out whose it was that's when everything went black.

I heard a soft voice talking but I didn't know who's but I just listened. "I want you to wake up...I want to see your eyes again, your smile, hear your voice. When I find out who did this to you... Ill make them pay. I love you Alex." The voice drifted off. I opened my eyes to the same white room I was in when Jordan knocked me out in dodge ball. I looked over to my right and saw a get well card then I looked to my left and through the door I saw my mother talking to the nurse. I glanced back at the card and grabbed it and opened it to see it signed by Emma, Kyle, And Sasha. I smiled. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and texted Emma.

"Hey.." -Alex

"Are you okay?! You got hurt pretty bad" - Emma

"Im okay... Thank you for the card though."

"Why didn't you call us or something?!"

"I didn't really think of it.. I was so shaken up I didn't really know what was happening.."

"Get some rest Alex you need it."

{Jordan's P.O.V}

while I was walking down the hallway I ran into Hannah. "Oh Hey!" I smiled looking into her green eyes. "Did you hear about this teen got bullied by three other teens in the bathroom and someone found him there almost blacked out?!" I raised an eyebrow stunned. "No, what was his name?" I asked. "This lame Alex dude." She sneered. My mind was whirling if couldn't be the Alex I know. "What was his last name?" I warily asked afraid to hear the answer. "Walker I think." I didn't want to hear his name. "Pathetic huh he is laying in the nurses office knocked out as we speak." She laughed and I weakly went along with it but tried to shake it off since he was now no more than a stranger to me now..

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