Chapter 12 : The tables have turned

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Warning : This Chapter contains hurtful fights

2111 Words


{Alex's P.O.V}

I woke up feeling a lot better besides my mental emotions going bizarre right  now, I look to my left and my sister is there sleeping soundly. "Alyssa, its time to wake up we gotta go to school." I said getting up already searching through my closet for something to wear. She groaned rubbing her eyes open sitting up slowly, "Big brother is healthy enough to go back to school?" She yawned. "Sadly, yes." I said while pulling out a nice button up white shirt along with black skinny jeans. "Now go get ready" I started pushing her out little by little when I shut the door I sighed. I put on my attire and started playing around with my hair but deciding to just leave it brushed across my forehead. I looked at myself longer and decided I wanted to complete this outfit with a black beanie. I nodded to myself before I went downstairs and made myself toast, after toast I brushed my teeth and made my way to my room. I guess my morning routine was going to change one day or another. I grabbed my bookbag and last but not least my cell phone. "Bye big bro! C'Ya when you get home" Alyssa smiled as she waved me goodbye as I left the house. While walking down the street I checked my cellphone to see it blown up with text from my only friends and numbers I didn't even know and a bunch of instagram notifications witch never happens. I opened a text I got from a random number "Heyyyy Gay boi wanna come suck my-" I deleted the message and moved to the next one, "People like you should bur-" I deleted the message and moved to the next one. "Queer-" Delete. "Homo-" Delete. "HEYYYYYYYYYYYY" I heard someone call out, I look behind me and see Emma charging down my sidewalk, I put away my phone. "Are you okay?" She said putting a hand on my shoulder panting heavily. "Yeah.." I said lowly. "I was worried cause you didn't answer my text or even Sashas or Kyles either." she said letting go of my shoulder walking by my side. "Oh.." I said. I looked forward at our school trembling slightly. I wonder what today has in stock for me.

I entered the school yard already getting many different kinds of looks, some disgusted, others in pity, or shock. I entered the school with Emma, she wrapped her arm around mine to comfort me. She guided me to my locker scared for me, I could tell in her eyes. I saw this look on her face countless times even when Jordan kicked me off my chair in math, Or when we were at the park. "A-Alex I have to go to my locker down the hall. Ill be right back, okay!" She ran down the hallway. Wrong move. I was shoved against others lockers by two jocks. "Hey gay boy." They sneered, "Arnt you just nicely dressed up today~" He grinned hugely, "It would be a shame if something were to HAPPEN." He dumped paint on my cloths backing up laughing at the outcome. Emma came running back to see red paint everywhere. "A-ALEX!" She yelled, "Lets get you cleaned up."  She glared over at the jocks who did this but smirked seeing a teacher coming out from his homeroom. "Ah, Mr. Willakers. These two dumped paint on Alex im going to help him clean up okay?" She got a nod from the teacher who started scolding the two who had to clean up.

"Are you okay Alex?" She asked brining me into the girls bathroom. "uh w-why the girls bathroom? Why couldn't we go to the nurse!?" I stuttered. "We couldn't having you dripping paint everywhere across the school; plus were the only two in here so your fine" She giggled softly while wiping some paint off with a wet paper towel. "I guess I can see you point.." I pulled out my dry phone from my back pocket and called my mother to bring me fresh clothing. "Jordan really is out to get you now huh.... After he told everyone about you, everything about him washed over like nothing. Everyone didn't care anymore about his secrets anymore..." She sighed. "People are horrible now a days.. Why cant we be treated equally.. even through the nasty opinions why cant people keep to themselves." She looked at me in the mirror, "Your really strong Alex...Im envious of you.." She looked away. I was surprised, why envious of me. "Your mom should be here in five minuets or so, So you should wait in the nurses." She softly said. I nodded walking out. "Thank you Emma." I left her in the bathroom while I made my way to the nurses office until I was stopped once again, by Jordan. He grabbed my collar with both hands, "Why did you tell everyone my secrets Walker!" He grit through his teeth. I grabbed his hands trying to pull him off but struggled since the paint was still wet. "I told you! I had no choice! Gavin beat the shit out of me till I said everything!!!" I yelled. "Your so pathetic you queer. I cant believe I trusted you." He spit in my face. Then we heard screaming, he dropped me and so I fell to the floor but we both look over to see my mother and my new cloths on the floor. "You! Your the dirty boy that is causing my son hell isn't it?!" She made he way over angrily. The principle came out, thankfully before my mom did a number on Jordan. I could tell she was pissed. After changing into my new attire I was loaded with all these questions on what happened, then we were sentenced to clean after school AGAIN although we should of ended sooner than this.

It was lunch and I decided to eat alone by that cherry blossom tree I liked but while on my way over I noticed Jordan was there making out with his girlfriend. A part of me was grossed out but then another few parts were angry, jealous, and sad. I went inside and sat with my friends instead. I didn't speak the whole lunch as much as they wanted me to, all I could do was think about Jordan. I don't know why it had to be Jordan but I couldn't seem to get him out of my head... His smile, his eyes, that kiss. My face was tinted red from ear to ear, why. ''Alex?" Emma  said looking at me along with Kyle and Sasha. I looked up with them, "I think I like Jordan." All of there jaws dropped. "Alex, did you hit your head?" Kyle said. "Alex, your crazy, he caused you hell?!" Sasha said. Emma stood up silently. "Emma?" I said. "Why him?" Her brown eyes locked onto mine. I shrugged. Why do I really like him, my head is telling me I don't but my heart and gut are just telling me yes you do you nut. I sighed, "I don't know what to do. I want to go on walk before next period." I stood up. "I-Ill go with you." Emma said. "No. I just want to be alone." I took a step away, "But what about everyone else? What if you get hurt?!" Emma called out. "Ill try to stay out of it but if I get hurt I get hurt." I walked through a few halls and wound up outside making my way to the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard. Jordan and his girlfriend seemed to be gone so I sat against the stump looking at the clear blue sky. "Hey, you." I looked to my right and saw a girl with long orange hair and green eyes. "Are you Alex Walker.'' She asked. "So what if I am." I said. "If you are you need to stay away from my boyfriend and me, you cunt." She glared at me. "how the fuck do you expect me to know your boyfriend." I said harshly. "Hey baby, lets go I- why are you here?" I saw Jordan from behind the slim girl. Ah so this must be Hannah, what a bitch.. "Jordan! H-He was saying mean things!" Hannah cried into his chest glancing a smirk at me. "Alex stay out of my fucking life im done with you." Jordan growled holding Hannah. "No." I said loud and clearly. "What did you say." He let go of Hannah getting infront of me, I stood up. "You heard me, No." I locked my eyes into his. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck pulling him into a passionate kiss.  His face went red as he shoved me off, I grinned keeping my ground. "You fucking queer why would you do that?!" He yelled clenching his fist while his girlfriend yelled in disgust. "Oh that it was a joke." My grin grew. "What haven't you kissed your girlfriend passionately before?" His face dropped getting redder knowing that all he does is make out just for the fun of possibly getting boob from the person he think he loves later. "Ill text you later." I said walking off to class while his girlfriend was still yelling like a whiney bitch. The tables have turned and I was now going to rule over him. The rest of the day nobody really bothered me too much I still got called named and got nasty stares and a few shoves here and there but I think Jordan called off his personal gang. It probably means he wants something from me and I couldn't wait to hear it.

While sitting in last period I couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at me, of course everyone has but this one had a strong vibe to it. I glance back to catch the blue eyes staring at me from behind, I grin turning back to class. The bell finally rang so I grabbed my stuff and headed to the Janitor room. Today he had us clean another hallway that was trashed with papers. I threw my bag aside grabbing a broom sweeping the papers in a pile while Jordan cleaned ontop of the lockers since i was to short to. Today I didn't bring out my phone or ipod to play music so we worked in silence hearing the crunching of paper and broom. "Alex.." Jordan finally said. I looked over at him waiting for him to speak. "Why did you kiss me." I could tell he was on the brink of losing his cool but he is keeping it together. I smiled and looked at him, "It was a joke, I could kiss you many times and it would mean nothing." My smile dropped as I rolled my eye sweeping more. "That is when I didn't have a fucking girlfriend and they were just jokes!" He glared at me stepping closer. "If your goal of that joke was to mess with my emotions then it fucking worked. Hope your happy." I said losing my temper. "What do you mean to mess with your emotions?!" He yelled taking another step. "I love you dumbass!" I tightened my grip on the broom avoiding looking at him. I heard him sigh and he went back to cleaning the lockers. We didn't talk after we were dismissed too we walked down the halls not looking at eachother. I walked down the front stairs and crossed the street  going up this back road while Jordan went through the school ally to get to the other side.

I got home and sat on my sofa exhausted from the long day I went through. "Alex, im going out, Alyssa is at a friends today, But when I get home were gonna talk about today in school." I looked over at my mom nicely dressed. "Another date huh?" I got up hugging her goodbye. "Yes, Remember Dave?" She said grabbing her purse. "Uh-huh...I didn't really like him." I said lowly. "Oh, stop he is so nice, alright ill be going! "Love you" She left. I groaned sitting back on the sofa, Blah Dave. Why Dave? Dave didn't like me or Alyssa, he was only in it for our mom and whatever she has left but he certainly didn't showed that side of him when mom was around. It pissed me off. I closed my eyes and started to fall into a deep sleep after this long, long day.

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