Chapter Six

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"What? Why? What's wrong?" She queried.

"Nothing too serious,just something I've been thinking about asking for a while now."

"Oh ok, go ahead."

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Her eyes shot open as she stared in see at the peach skinned doctor in front of her.

She was confident that she was beautiful enough to get any man she wanted but she never believed that he of all persons would like her,so much to the point of being stressed.

"I'd like that very much."

It's as if the words came before she could finish thinking about what she was going to say.

"Ok I'll pick you up around nine tonight."

"Wait that's too soon. I have to go into work.How about Tuesday?"

"Ok fine,no problem."

"I'll see you later."

She left to go check on her 'boys'. When she walked into the building her face fell in shock.

There were hookers,weed,other illegal drugs and some kind of stripper pole.She squeezed past and got over to the other side of the room going into her office. If outside was the volcano then inside was the tsunami. Lace bras flung all over the place and silky underwear she dare not touch. Never had she seen something so disgusting in her life. She went in her drawer and noticed her gun was missing.How the hell did they even get in her room she thought.

She opened her safe and got out her backup pistol and went back to the room. she fired two shots at their newly bulletproofed ceiling and the place got silent.


After about fifteen minutes the only persons left in the room were her and the people who organised it all,the noobs. Of course it was them. They hated her reign, she 'kills their vibes'. They secretly hoped one day she might get shot 'accidentally' but they wouldn't let the others know that.

"Get out." 

That was all she said,she knew that she would have been putting their asses on probation for a very long time but she was not in the mood for any long talking.She had too much on her mind and she needed clarity.

When they left she called Josh and told him what to tell the noobs and sat in her messy office waiting for Gia,Josh's 'trap queen' and her new-found friend to take her shopping.

"I'm here mi amiga!"

It was always obvious when Gia got anywhere she was expected. She was a loud,sassy Latina.She stepped into Mas' office and saw the mess.

"¡Ay dios mio! ¿lo que la tormenta pasó por aquí?"

Mas muttered something along the lines off 'loudass Latina bitch and her frigging spanish' under her breath.

"I  heard that!" Gia responded with a glare.

"Come on."


The two spent the day shopping and looking for clothes for Mas to wear on her date.

"What if it's formal?"

"Ok fine how about we get semi formal to compromise then?" Gia offered.

"That can work."

Afterward Mas and Gia sat in the food court eating Chinese Teriyaki Chicken and talking about their lives.

"I was thinking about going home to see my parents one these days." I know they miss me but they might be disappointed in me."

"Why?" Gia asked.

"When I was seventeen I ran away with my deadbeat boyfriend to America."

"Oh wow.Where are you from then?"


Mascina spritzed herself with the perfume she bought when she got her first paycheck.She seriously considered going back  home to see her parents but she didn't want to see their sad face when they realised she wasn't changed.

Part of her wanted to ask Sydny if he would go with her but it was only their first date tonight. She couldn't rush things yet because she kind of liked him and didn't want to mess things up with her doctor.

Jhonnie was playing upstairs with the babysitter that she got last minute to watch her. She noticed that lately she's happier than before and Mas knew it was because she been getting treated. It's one of the reasons she started falling for Doctor Jagan too.

There was a knock at the door and Mas answered it almost too quickly. She had on some plain black jeans ripped at the knee,with a white lace fitted top and a black jacket to top it off along with her black and white Louboutin heels.

"Wow," Jagan said in shock,"You look beautiful."

It's a lucky thing she was black or he would have seen her blush.After saying goodbye to Jhonnie, they set off to their date. Mas eyed Sydny in his car.

She secretly loved how he knew everything about her just by one glance. She loved that he 'tried' to be dominant in all his actions. Even when she knew he wasn't very strong. It was ok though because she didn't mind that under his dress shirt he didn't have bulging abs sticking out or that his biceps couldn't crack coconuts,she had liked him for him.

"Sooo,black don't crack eh?"

Mas laughed. This was going to be a long night.

"I had a lot of fun,thank you again."

"You don't have to thank me.I'm just treating a beautiful girl to what she deserves."

"Do you want to come inside?"


The two were unaware of the eyes and that watched them throughout the night. The silent eyes smiled in mischief and basked in the fact they were going to be successful in their plans.

"Jhonnie is so cute and peaceful when she sleeps," Sydny remarked watching Mas carry Jhonnie to her bed from the couch.

"Wait till you have her the whole day and she's hyper. You'll see if she's cute and peaceful and then."

He laughed at her and stared at the two of them.

"I won't mind."

"Righttt." She sat beside him on the couch and turned on the TV.

He subtly placed his hand around her shoulder and she gave in just this once and rest there.

Then she turned to face him.



"Will you go to Jamaica with me?"

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