Chapter Fourteen

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"So what are you going to do? He's kind of just standing out there,knocking," Leilany said peeking out the window.

"He can knock all he want because I have his keys," Mas said looking at the little boy she laid on the couch.

She might be cruel to Sydny but she was not going to be mean to the little boy,it wasn't his fault.

"Well on the bright side,he's a cutie!" Gia said with a light shrug and a smile,trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Ooh mommy does that mean I get to have a baby brother?" Jhonnie asked excitedly stroking the baby's silky brown hair.

"Jhonnie leave him alone and go do your homework."

"Phooey." Jhonnie groaned and went to her room to do her work.

"I don't know what to do. I thought I knew everything about the man I was getting married to in two days. "

"Yea I know Mas-Mas but sometimes,life changes paths,and we just have to go along with it. You still love him like crazy. And when you love someone you accept them wholeheartedly, with everything they have to offer." Leilany explained.

"Yea. She's right. You might feel sad at times or betrayed. But he loves you. And he's scared too. You're not the only one with feelings. I bet he's out there thinking his wedding is cancelled," Gia added.

Mas looked at her friends then back at the sleeping child on the couch then got up and went outside closing the door behind her.

"Mas," Sydny began as soon as he saw her,"Let me exp-"

"No Sydny. I'm the one that's gonna do the talking right now," she said leading him over to the porch seat.

He sat beside her searching her eyes and frowned when he noticed it was full of sadness and all the angry had been erased. He hurt his fiancée and he didn't like that.

"This is unexpected," she took a long pause before continuing,"But I love you and I am willing to look past the fact that you hid this from me if you can give me a good reason as to why you hid it from me? You thought I was gonna freak out on you with my ADHD or something?"

"No baby. I would never. I didn't want to tell you because you had so much on your plate and Jhonnie and I just didn't want to stress you. And I was scared that you'd leave me,"he whispered the last part,his eyes never leaving hers however.

"And it's not the fact that I run an underground assassination movement is it?"

"I must admit I was very shocked when you told me that but no baby. It's not that. I just didn't want to see you're hurt face. Like now,"he pouted,"I'm an idiot."

Mas laughed,"You are,but you're my idiot. And I love you," she said holding his face and kissing him passionately.

When they looked up they saw the little baby,Christian toddling out towards them.

Sydny lifted him and planted him on his leg.

"What's up little man?" Sydny asked.

"Daddy," was all he muttered,rubbing his eyes and leaning into his father looking at Mas with a confused look.

"Hey bubba. I got someone I want you to meet."

And that put a smile on Mas' face.


"Daddy can you help me with this?" Jhonnie asked coming down the stairs.

Mas was shocked. Never had she ever thought the little girl would call another man her father. She didn't expect it to be that easy.

"Jhonnie. What did you just call me?" Sydny asked the question Mas was too speechless to ask.

"Daddy. Well you're really like my second daddy but that's too long to say,"she explained,"Well until my first daddy comes back."

Mas stared at the little girl with a certain look on her face. She knew better than to be talking about her father. Mas had explained that she might not see him again for a very very long time,but she didn't quite understand why.

"Your first daddy?" Sydny asked wanting to know more about the topic,because Mas never told him about her past. That's the one topic she was adamant about keeping to herself.

"What did you need help with Jhonnie?" Mas asked finally finding her voice to prevent the past from being opened two days before her wedding. If it's anything no one needs to know is that her ex was in jail for killing a man to get back their daughter who was taken away by the CPS. She had been living a secret life,most likely an illegal one as well but she liked it here and not there in the past.

"Oh. I forgot. Hiii,"she said waving to Christian,getting side tracked.

Christian waved back, staring at her.

"Come then. Bedtime,"Mas stood and told Jhonnie,taking Christian from Sydny and carrying him upstairs as well.

"Mommy I'm so excited to have a brother!" Jhonnie exclaimed.

"Oh I know,"Mas laughed, setting Christian on the floor beside her.

He walked around looking at the place and holding unto things while the two females watched him.

Mas put Jhonnie to bed and placed Christian in the same room in a fold out crib that Sydny went for earlier.

She felt arms wrap around her and smiled leaning into them enjoying the warmth. "I'm back."

She jumped forward and almost screamed.

Sydny stared at her confused. "Baby?"

Mas looked around to see that she and Sydny were the only ones in the hallway.

"Mas are you okay?" Sydny asked quite confused at his soon to be wife's behaviour," Did you drink and take the medication today again?"

She only nodded remembering the wine she had with the girls and Sydny's voice telling her not to drink on days she took medication. "It might have nasty side effects he said."

"I told you to stop doing that baby," she nodded once more,a bit shocked. She was almost certain that was Jackson speaking to her and she was scared out her wits.

"Does this have to do with what Jhonnie said earlier?"he asked.

"How did you know?"

"You were staring at her room door the whole time. How about you tell me about this past of yours baby? No secrets before the wedding. "

"I don't want to talk about it."


"Save it Jagan. I'm not talking about it."

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