Chapter 9

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Damon's POV

Ugh! Why is it so hard to find a good tux for my wedding. Wedding...I can't believe I'm actually getting married in a week. Blake is the best mate I could have asked for.

She puts up with all my flaws and still loves me all the same. She just seems better than all the other girls that I've ever been with. She just seems perfect to me.

"Damon! Have you found a tuxedo yet?" My little one yelled, slamming the door with her foot. She was dressed in a robe with a towel around her long wet dark brown hair. "Not yet Blake" I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and stood in front of the mirror, drying her gorgeous locks. I was staring at her back, forgetting all about my tux troubles for a second. I had been searching for days, but nothing really caught my eye.

I turned back to my laptop, scrolling through all the tuxes, looking for the perfect one. "Wow this looks pretty good, I like it" I said, looking at a snow white tuxedo. I ordered it and had it shipped to me by the next day or so.

Climbing into bed, I wrapped my arms around Blake and dozed off, wondering how life turned out so damn great.


Blake's POV

Damon's arms felt like confining bars, wrapped so tightly around my small, willowy frame. I snuggled into him, feeling as though I was forgetting something important. Oh well. Just as I was dozing off, I remembered the wedding venue. The wedding venue!

I shook a grumpy Damon awake and told him about how we had yet to pick a wedding venue. That sure woke him, seeing as though he sat straight up in bed and started to panic.

"Where are my clothes? Where are we even going? When do we nee-" I cut him off with a quick good morning kiss, hopping off the bed and making my way towards the bathroom to shower.

After my shower, I dressed in a white tank top, black high waisted skater skirt, a jean jacket, and vans. I pulled my hair into a braid and grabbed Damon's hand, leading him down the stairs and out the door.

We walked hand in hand around the woods, looking for the perfect spot to tie the knot. "How about where we had our first date? In that little clearing by the meadow" Damon suggested. I shook my head "yes" and we walked off to that spot, neither letting go of the other.

When we reached the clearing, a wave of memories hit me like a ton of bricks. The fresh air and the picnic me and Damon had went on, us laughing and playing around, and then us kissing for the first time.

I smiled at the thoughts and whispered "this is perfect." I felt Damon give my hand a tight squeeze as we both agreed this was going to be the venue. We walked back to the house, still holding hands.

We got to the kitchen and I began to fix us a snack while Damon sat at the breakfast bar, asking me about the song for our first dance. I had always loved Little Things, but now I was leaning towards Fool For You. I asked Damon for his opinion and he asked me to play them both.

I played Little Things first and he said it was pretry good, that it really suited me and him, but once I played Fool For You, he said that was definitely our song. "Little Things can be our next slow dance and then we can play It's You" I clapped happily, he was endulging my love for one direction and Zayn at the same time.

"Thank you! Thank you" I kissed his cheek and grabbed my laptop from the counter, bounding upstairs to Kayla's room. I banged on the door, yelling for her to open up. She finaly opened the door and I told her I needed her to invite the whole pack to our wedding. She agreed easily, closing the door just as I was walking off.

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