chapter 13 revised

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Dedicated to @wasntexpectingyou

Britondii Luca pov

"Well to mine it is then" Sebastian replied smirking as he turned the car around when I did not answer his question.

Still, as he continued to dice in the direction opposite of my home I said nothing. Still angry with him but still continuing to kill him with my glares.

Oh, stop blaming your anger. You want to ho home with the damn man my subconscious taunted painting her toenails.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the window, a painful head ache developing.

I had done a very foolish thing, running out into the rain. My immune system was very weak and easily, I contracted a very bad cold. I sneezed and rubbed my nose, my nostrils already beginning to burn fiercely.

"Damn it Miss Luca " Sebastian growled but I did not open my eyes to look at him. I was not speaking with him.

"You now have a cold, you foolish woman. Running out into the rain as if you have no sense. "

I bit my lip and rubbed my nose.

As if you care.

"Miss Luca" he said. "Talk to me woman"

Mentally, I rolled my eyes. I hated this irascible beast.

"Shut up" I said softly, "my head hurts"

I was still mad at him, I only answered because I wanted him to keep quiet.

"Don't talk to him fool!"my subconscious screamed pulling her long, multi coloured hair in anger. He made you run out into the rain.

I bit my lip and sneezed again my nostrils becoming stuffy. I really should not have escaped into the rain.

Once, in middle school when there was heavy rains. Lue and I, instead of taking the school bus had run all the way home. We enjoyed getting dosked and jumping in and out of puddles splashing each other.

Later that night after sneezing and a painful headache for most of the evening, I developed a high fever and had to immediately be rushed to the hospital.
There the doctors had informed our parents of my poor immune system which because of it I risked developing easily very bad cold and possibly pneumonia. I was discharged after 3 days with the stern warning never again to play in the rain.

My eyes slowly opened when the car stopped and looking through my window i realised we were in a very large private garage packed with rows of expensive vehicles. I also noticed how badly I was shivering though I was covered with a jacket. Sebastian's jacket.

I watched as Sebastian stared at me then grunted. "Damn foolish woman "

He pulled my door open and appeared as if he would lift me from the he car.

"I can walk" I said quickly though I knew if I even attempted to stand the powerful headache would throw me to the ground.

"Miss Luca, ssshh" he commanded, the sound low, husky. He wrapped his strong muscular arms around my body lifting me from the car. The shivering intensified.

I opened my mouth to tell him to put me down, liking the feeling of being in his arms too much, but as if the words were lodged in my throat, no sound came.

Anger suddenly disappearing I relaxed and rested my head on his hard chest, listening to his heart beat. As if being electrocuted, shock waves travelled across my body.

"Miss Luca" I was being shaken awake lightly. I opened my eyes and i noticed i was laying in a large bed. Sebastian's bed. I glanced around taking in the the expensive furnished room but also it's dark cold décor. Grey and black.

Realizing Sebastian was still staring at me, I instantly became self conscious blushing I looked up, the mirror in the ceiling suddenly becoming very interesting.

"Are you ok?"Sebastian asked, rubbing my forehead. Because of the affectionate gesture, I began to shake badly. "Um, yes"I managed, blushing fiercely.

"Good" he responded "I brought you some dry clothes. You need to get out of those wet ones. You are shivering badly"

Because you are being so damn kind to me! My cheeks got even redder as he lowered his stance and removed my heels.

"Do you need any help undressing.. I promise I won't look-if you don't want me to"

Yes! Yes daddy! I do. I do.

"No thanks, I'll manage " I smiled.


He chuckled softly as he handed me the clothes and headed to the door.

"I'll be just outside miss Luca "

Even after he left my face was still hot. Why was he being so kind? Could it mean he liked me? That he thought of me the way I, him?

No I doubt it.

Sinking my teeth deeper into my lip I slowly undressed and donned the Hanes tank top and boxers he brought me. They were many sizes too big but even though they swallowed me, it felt good, right.

A few minutes later Sebastian entered and I'm his hands was a tray of Lays and boxed juice. He didn't strike me as a box juice kind of guy.

Unpredictable much?

"Hungry? "He asked, stepping closer to the bed.

"No" I blushed. Tell the damn man you are starving.

"Miss Luca" he chuckled again. His voice was so sexy. "Well you better eat something. I don't share my Lays so don't insult me. "

"Ok" I giggled as he sat down beside me and placed the tray before us.


"Miss Luca "I heard Sebastian's husky voice near near my ear.

I faced him and watched as his dark dilated eyes lowered to my lips. My face burned. It was as if he wanted to kiss me.

I bit my lip nervously as his lips inched closer to mine. But just as his mouth met mine a sudden wave of nausea hit me and everything went black.

Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Where stories live. Discover now