chapter 48(part 2)

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

"Lue "I softly said my best friend's name from the backseat of his car as he pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

"Yes Brii? Is everything alright? "He answered,tilting the rear view mirror a tad to glance at me.

Before I said anything else,I shifted my gaze to the front passenger seat where he had so neatly yet carefully stacked all my bags. He really was a genuine person. Often times he had ignored his personal life to rush my assistance even when I begged him not to. Maybe he was too loyal to our friendship.

"Lue sometimes I feel as if I as m using you." I confessed and he sighed deeply in response.


"No Lue" I countered shaking my head,"ever since we were children,you have always been there for me,always put me first. "I sighed before continuing. "And even now as an adult,.you have constantly being at my Beck and call. Its not fair Lue, you have a life, a relationship that needs you too. I am a 24 years old grown woman."I paused and looked down at my sleeping child."I am a mother for God's sake. I should be independent and learn how to fight my own battles."I finished pouring my heart out and looked up finally meeting his eyes' reflection in the mirror.

"Brii let me ask you this. Back when we were children who always gave me her treats when I finished mine too quickly and wanted more? And her toys when I destroyed or lost mine? Who helped me to accept my sexuality and be proud of who I am? Who sat up with me for nights in a row eating tubs of ice cream when I got my heart broken by my first love? Who is my shrink when John and I fight? Answer me Brii. Who is that person?"

I shook my head. Why was Lucas bringing up such trivial things? Those were nothing compared to what he had done for me. But still I sighed,answering him.

"Me. But Lue those are nothing why bring them up?"

"No Brii, you have done so much for me in all stages of my life. Its not even funny. I can always count on you do why must I not do the same? You are my best friend Britondii even before I thought I would ever meet John. I would just die if ever you were in trouble and I couldn't help you. And Brii learn this, in life no one is ever a hundred percent independent. At one point or another they depend on someone or something else for survival."

I opened my mouth to speak but then he giggled, "geez that was a mouthful."

I smiled my first genuine smile smile since the death of Sapphire and spoke.

"Thank you Lue for your wonderful friendship. You really are my brother from another mother."

"Same to you my sister from anister Mister."

It was my turn to giggle. "Really Lue anister?"

"Girl deal with it it rhymes."

He sassed and turned his attention fully on to the road,and I on my sleeping child. I kissed her forehead, promising her I will always make her smile.


"Do you want us to go to Sebastian's mansion to collect some things?" Lucas said his voice laced with venom.

My heart ached at the name. Sebastian. My fiance and father of my child children who despised me.

"No." I answered quickly. "Lets go to yours first then later on we will go back to Sebastian's. I'm car lagged and I'm sure Sebriina is exhausted too."

"Aye aye captain" Lucas replied and turned left,in the direction of his home.


Later that evening when Lucas pulled up before Sebastian's mansion. I sighed and opened the front passenger door. This trip would last a hour at most and I already missed my Sebriina. Terribly. I can't believe up to earlier that morning merely hours ago I was still so afraid of holding her for an extended time.

As I approached the door I couldn't help but wonder if Sebastian was home or if he was someplace drinking himself to unconsciousness.

Today when I spent hours bonding with Sebriina, I knew I could never hurt either of my children and though I was still nervous about seeing Sebastian, I would be damned if I allowed anyone including myself to convince me I played a part in my child's death.


I pushed open the door and even before I entered the dark nursery the strong stench of liquor greeted me, so strong it was that my eyes and nostrils stung in protest. So Sebastian was home drinking in our children's nursery.

"Wretch"a deep voice slurred from the couch in the corner of the room, "where is my child you damn murderer? "

"Sebastian." I said softly walking over to the direction of voice, using my hand to cover my nose at the stifling scent of stale liquor. It smelled as if he spent days drinking and spilling liquor in the room. The scent of body sweat too proved he hadn't showered either.

He really was hurting.

I almost reached him but he spoke again stopping me.

"Where is my child,witch?"

My sympathy was instantly replaced with anger,rage. Then,my cup over flowed.

I laughed humorlessly. I had had enough of Sebastian's bull shit. Why should I continue to put up with his behavior? Because I loved him? Ha. I was now a mother. I now meant the world to some. A child now depended on me for survival. I would be a little girl's hero. Could I do that by staying with her father who treated me like this? Like I was nothing? A man who drank liquor more than he did water. No I could not.

It was time I understood Sebastian would never change.

"Fuck you Sebastian " I hissed and I saw his silhouette rise from the couch. The old Miss Luca would have cowered but the new me, the mother remained standing.

"You know what boy?" I screamed like a mad woman. "I have had it with your bull. If you really blame me for what happened to our child you really are a fucking asshole. I had blamed my self also but today when I first held my daughter so motherly for the first time,I knew it had not been my fault. And I will not allow you to convince me otherwise. So Fuck you."

I watched as he stumbled towards me but fell in his drunkenness. Even then I was not done, instead I laughed loudly taunting him, knowing he was much too drunk to stand up.

"You don't deserve me and you don't deserve my child. If you ever wish to see Sebriina again you better clean up your nasty act."I spun the ring around my finger then slid it off. Good bye Monteiro. And it's good that your eyes are so close your eyes are so close to my heels. At least you get a front row ticket to see the prints on the back of my shoes as I walk out of your life forever." I strutted like a model to the door and suddenly turned back to face him.

"How could I forget your ring babe?" I said sweetly in a sing song voice and threw his ring at him listening as it clanked loudly on the floor.

"Lets go" I said and walked pass Lucas who stood wordlessly at the door watching everything.

I felt my eyes water and I blinked them away. That bastard did not deserve my tears.

"Miss Luca" I heard Sebastian's weak attempt at a shout and then the tears did fall.

Only two chapters left until the end of this book. There will be a sequel.

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