Chapter 8 - The Babysitting Pimp

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"Right on time, as promised," Nico proudly announces.

He parks the car in front of the house I'm babysitting for and then looks at his watch.

"Actually, with ten minutes to spare. Your sense of timing is totally off by the way," he says, grinning at me like he just won something.

Okay, so I had been kind of freaking out we would get here late, but apparently you get to places a lot quicker when driving versus public transportation. Plus, Nico drives pretty fast.

I look towards the house I'm about to enter in a few minutes and sigh. For the first time ever, I'm not looking forward to babysitting at all. I had such a fun time hanging out with Nico today, I didn't want it to end.

"Thank you for today, Nico. And last night. I had a really nice time."

"Yeah, me too. Thanks for putting up with me."

Putting up with him?

Not only did he take me out to a nice restaurant, but he ended up buying me a hoodie at the Adidas store when I accompanied him to get new shin guards. I had only been browsing the store looking at all the cool stuff they had in there, when he came up behind me and told me to try it on. After saying it looked good on me and passed his so-called "hug test", he insisted on getting it for me. When I told him it wasn't necessary, he said it was because I was cold and it was his fault I didn't have a jacket.

After that I went with him to a gift shop at a hospital, of all places. He explained it was the place Adrian had bought Sofia the teddy bear when she had gotten an endoscopy. I suppose Nico felt bad after their phone call last night and wanted to help him out. Surprisingly, he found the same exact one, and I had to admit it was really cute. It had a bow around his neck and a red heart on one of his paws. I almost choked when Nico casually asked me if I wanted one too. I respectfully declined, but it kept me in a daze up until we stopped by a FedEx store to ship the teddy bear to DC.

"Do you want me to pick you up afterwards?" Nico asks me.

This boy is really incredible. "Don't worry, Nico. They usually give me extra to take a taxi home."

"But then you could be saving that money," he points out.

"It's fine, really. Thank you, though."

"Okay. Well, if you wanna sneak me in later, I'm up for that too," he says grinning.

"Nico! Are you crazy? I am not sneaking you in."

"What? Isn't that what babysitters do?" he laughs.

"Maybe in movies from the eighties," I join him in laughter. "But this is serious business. It's a lot of responsibility taking care of other people's kids."

"Fine. Give me your phone then," he says, extending his hand.

I hand him my phone and he types in what I assume is his phone number. I confirm it when I hear his phone vibrating in the cup holder. He picks it up and adds my number as a new contact.

"What's your last name, by the way?" he asks curiously.


He smiles as he saves it to his phone. "Call me if you change your mind," he says, handing my phone back and winking at me.

I shake my head at him, smiling the entire time. "Bye, Nico," I say, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "And thanks again."

"Anytime," he murmurs as I step out of the car.

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