Character Interview with Olivia & Nico!

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A/N: This is a character interview I originally posted for the Wattpad Block Party. Re-posting an adapted version here in case you missed it!

1. What do you love the most about your significant other?

Olivia: Nico is honestly the sweetest guy on earth. I love his brutal honesty, that he's always trying to make me feel better or surprise me, and that he challenges me or pushes me out of my comfort zone.

Nico: Olivia's determination is one of the things I love the most about her. Also, when she's confident and turns into a little sex kitten.

2. What is your favorite physical feature from your partner?

Olivia: Nico's boyish grin and his chest.

Nico: Her blue-grey eyes, long dark hair, and an incredibly sexy scar that I only get to see.

3. What was your most awkward moment?

Olivia: When I woke up to a lot of yelling and threats between Nico and my brother going down in my living room, and then stood in between them.

Nico: When I got sucker punched in front of Olivia.

4. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

Olivia: Friday nights with Nico. I look forward to them every week.

Nico: Olivia's cooking. My girl's got skills.

5. What is your favorite movie or show to watch together?

Olivia: Silver Linings Playbook

6. When did you first realize you had fallen for each other?

Olivia: When Nico came over to my apartment after we had gotten into an argument. I knew the moment I saw him outside my door. That night (and the next morning) were incredible.

Nico: The entire first weekend we spent together, I felt like I would fall for her a little more as I got to know her and learned more about her. It was somewhere between Olivia showing up unexpectedly at my house on a Sunday evening, cooking for me, and watching a movie together in my bed.

7. What is the most romantic thing your partner has done for you?

Olivia: Anytime he does something for me, whether it's buying me ice cream or making me a grilled cheese sandwich.

Nico: Whenever she shows up at my house unannounced just because she wants to see me. Blows me away every time.

8. If you were to fall in love with your partner all over again, what would you change?

Olivia: I wouldn't have omitted a certain piece of vital information from Nico when we first met.

Nico: Is it really cheesy if I say I wouldn't change anything?

9. Anything you would like to tell your fans?

Nico: Sorry ladies, I'm off the market!

Olivia: Work hard. Dream big.

10. What happens in your love life beyond the book?

Nico: I would love to tell you, but I can't. They made me sign a non-disclosure agreement before this interview.

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