Chapter 16

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Raph's tongue is driving me crazy. He's doing things to me I never thought possible. His hands are everywhere, wherever they can get under my clothes, they waste no time to get to my skin. The left one is currently fisting my hair, which only makes the urge to moan into his mouth stronger. Instead, I bite his tongue lightly, making him groan and push his hips into my own. My hand on his butt slides upwards slightly, only to slide underneath the fabric of his jeans.

'You're going commando?' I ask in a husky voice, only detaching my lips long enough to ask the question and just about far enough to still be touching his.

'Only for you.'

In any other situation that corny answer would have made me chuckle, but now, the tongue following the outline of my ear is distracting me. I don't even feel the uncomfortable surface of the wall I'm currently pressed up against or the slightly painful stab of the door handle on my back.

My hand that isn't occupied with groping his ass is now fisting his hair as well to tip his head back so I can move my lips over his neck to his collarbones, where I nip at the bone just long enough to make him groan again.

We share another heated kiss after that when he decides to move my lips back up to his. Now, my head is resting on the door as a stare at the ceiling. My body is still completely pressed up against his and his forehead is currently resting on my shoulder, his every breath fanning my neck.

We just stand there for a while, thinking our own thoughts while still helplessly clinging onto each other.

'We should probably head back.' I say then, mentally trying to calculate how believable it will be to be gone for that long when one of us is supposed to be sick.

'We probably should.' Raph agrees.

Neither of us moves.

Suddenly, Raph takes a step back and gives me a radiant, but definitely fake, smile. I smile back sadly.

'Let's go.'

I quickly take the step towards him that he just took away from me to grab his face and kiss him. It's a chaste, but strong kiss and I think we both need those more than we let on.

When we separate his hand holds my neck to keep my head in place so he can touch his forehead to mine.

We don't say anything, we don't smile and all of it doesn't last longer that five seconds but it's amazing what it does to calm me down.

'Are you feeling better?' is the first question a worried looking Sheila asks me when we return.

Even with our clothes straightened out as much as possible and our hair as normal as we could make it look, I still feel as if she should somehow be able to tell.

I only smile and nod weakly, hoping she understands it as post-throw-up-tiredness. She only smiles back warmly and pats my hand.

Immediately I feel Raph tense next to me, his eyes glued to my hand Sheila is now holding. I know exactly how he feels. Even just the simple hug to greet him she gave him earlier had me grinding my teeth in jealousy and possessiveness. It is kind of scary still, these reactions.

I clear my throats in hopes of distracting Raph or at least letting him know how obvious he is being. He only looks away and I hope that's enough.

'Let's go back.' Sheila then suddenly suggests.

'Do you not want dessert?' I ask curiously, since she's been going on all evening how she wanted to come here for the dessert alone.

'It's fine. I can tell you're not feeling well, so we should just do it another time.'

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