The Videos

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i want to take more videos then photos in cuba

i really wanna show daddy whats it like there and how much i want to one day go there with you

thats why i want to try to show daddy not only the beauty of cuba but the truth of how people live there

as i did live there even tho i left when i was still really young

but ill probably lie about my ex husband

as he'll be there with me

but understand my grandma doesn't have long to live and shes happy i finally found someone and i dont want to disappoint her

so ill be pretending to still be with him

and i also still get lost there so i need his help finding places

and he has a car so he'll be driving me everywhere

in the clip of driving from the airport to my grandmas house he is the one driving us

but honestly i don't think you care but i just wanted to explain

and to say im sorry for lying

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