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His kiss was a mixture of sweet, passionate, and rough all in one and it was a little too quick. We pulled away just looking into each others eyes. He was still inches from my face and his had still cupped to my cheek. He bit his bottom lips slightly and smirked at me. His hand moved to the back of my head gently as mine moved up to take off his glasses. "You know Dr. Crane you have uh nice eyes." I chuckled before grinning. He just smirked and leaned in again for another kiss.

His hand still on my head and his other one ran up and down my back. The kiss deepened making me lean back a bit and accidently pressing a button on the remote. "oops!" I giggled breaking away as the channel changed to the news. I moved the remote not bothering to change it back my arms wrapping around his neck again. But his attention was on the tv. "No way.." he mumbled as he quickly and a bit clumsily put on his glasses. "What?" i asked in confusion as my attention turned back to the news.

"This just in the clown prince of crime, The Joker, has just escaped from Arkham Asylum once again. He is now loose on the streets of Gotham and has caused chaos, disruption, and fear throughout the city.We advise you to stay in doors and lock windows and doors in your house until he is cought. And now Bradley for the weather." We sat there in silence a little from shock that he escaped.

"You don't think he's looking for us do you?" I turned to Jonathan asking him. Jonathan nodded no slowly. "No, no doll. Don't worry.." he smiled at me slowly and put his arm around me. I leaned into him. I did kinda piss joker off... I just hope he forgets the whole thing..

I sighed before getting up and retreating back to the guest bedroom that now belonged to me. "Goodnight jonathan. " I said sweetly before kissing him softly on the cheek. He smirked at me as I left. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked away..

~~TIME SKIPSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked down the stairs lazily yawning. "Jonathan?" I called to him but he wasn't around. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the counter. It read:

Good morning beautiful!!!

I had to step out to run some errands! I'll be back soon. Lets go out tonight! I'll pick you up!


I smiled to myself as I held the thin paper in my hand. I glanced up at the clock above on the wall it read 6:30. I slipped the paper back on the counter and went upstairs to brush my hair. I didn't have a change of clothes since we just got out of Arkham.

"Honey im home!" jonathans voice rang out as he entered down stairs. I quickly spun around and rushed down stairs. He had a few grocery bags in his hand and a shopping bag. "This are for you.." he handed me the shopping bag and went to the kitchen to put away food. I looked through the bag it was clothes. "Thanks " I yelled to him. "No problemooo love now go get changed!" he yelled back from the kitchen.

I rushed bck to my room and put on the clothes. A black t shirt, some dark jeans, and a black jacket. There was also some high tops.   I threw them on quickly and raced back down stairs. "Im ready!" I grinned at him. "Alright beautiful lets paint the town." He said grabbing a brief case and opening the front door gesturing for me to walk out. We got in the car and drove to a house. "Why're we here?" I questioned him. "Just some uh business I gotta attend to. Wat to come or stay in the car?" he asked. " I'll come with ya!" I grinned excitedly. He hesitated before saying "If you want to come.." he sighed. "well you better wear this." he handed me a bandana. "around your mouth and nose. And stay behind me." he commanded. I nodded before tying it around me. We walked into the house I stayed behind him like he said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." jonathan clicked as he entered the living room. A guy smoking a cigarette sat in a beat down leather arm chair. The guys eyes widened in fright when he saw jonathan. "Crane I swear I-I didn't mean to break our deal.." he stuttered. Jonathan cut him off getting a little closer to the guy. "Of course f course." he chuckled lightly yet bitterly. "The question is wheres my shipment? " the guy didn't answer his question. "I get put n Arkham ad you think you can take MY shipment!" Jonathans voice rose making me jump a little. "Well that's ok.." jonathans breath came out angry and rigid. He set his brief case down on the small table in front of us and unlocked it. My eyes widened when I saw his mask. He slowly took it out and held it up. "This is my mask.. I use it in uh experiments. With my uh shipment too." he chuckled bitterly again. "Lucky for you I have a small dose left.."  he put on his mask. "Where did you take my shipment?" Jonathans voice came out to a roar as he also got a syringe out of his brief case. The guys eyes widened in fear. "Its uh it was taken to a warehouse out on Gotham central!" jonathan tilted his head. "hmm good." jonathan lunged at the man sticking the syringe into his neck. The guy started instantly screaming. "That's just what a small dose does. Now i'll let you try the full thing!" Jonathan whispered. "Paranoia make sure you stay behind me and covr your nose and mouth." I did as he told me.

Then next thing I know he held out his wrist in front of the guy and released some kinda gas. Instantly the guys screams threw out louder. He started squirming in his seat and eventualy fell to the floor. "Lets go.." jonathan growled and led me outside taking off his mask.

"Is that dude gonna be alright?" I asked loudly taking off the bandana. "well the mind can only take so much.. Besides he cheated me out of our deal. He shouldn't cross me. No one should." he chuckled as we got into the car. "Now love how bout we go get dinner?" he grinned at me sweetly and for the first time since I met im, I almost feared Jonathan. Almost...

HIII ok shout outs to some people






yall are amaze-balls!!!


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