Chapter 39

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FOLLOWING THE FUNERAL, that evening was sheer torture for Loki. He'd returned from Svartalfheim several days before, and - thus far - no one had discovered his true identity. Even Heimdall did not question his appearance as Odin, so he counted his blessings. However, he did not expect Thor to insist on holding a funeral for him, nor did he think Anna would arrive on Asgard. As it was, simply knowing that she is so close to him is nearly enough to drive him mad.

Even worse, the maid - Ilva - placed Anna is his old chambers, something he doubted even Anna recognized. To imagine her in his room, in his's almost impossible to resist, and he's utilizing every speck of his willpower to do so.

Her grief overwhelmed him. First, he watched her mourn at the funeral in relative silence. The achingly beautiful brunette seemed to be holding herself together by the smallest of threads, and he wanted nothing more than to catch her in his arms and take her away from all of this. Every fresh tear hitting her cheek was like a dagger to the heart, and Loki wanted to do nothing that take the pain away from them both.

Confined to Odin's chambers, he spent the night pacing the room. Any attempt to sleep was quickly thwarted by a wave of vivid dreams about Anna. His proximity to her earlier in the evening was intoxicating, his senses were still drowning in her no matter how hard he might try to fight it. Even now, as dawn hits the palace in a flood of colors illuminating Asgard for a new day, he struggles to resist the colossal urge to rush to her side.

In less than an hour, she'll be leaving Asgard with Thor. In less than an hour, she'll be gone and with her the temptation.

All he must do is wait an hour, one simple hour, and pray that his heart can withstand the torment.


Anna spent the night tossing and turning, until finally she gave up trying to sleep. Ilva, her maid, was kind enough to lead her into a large suite of lavishly decorated chambers after Loki's funeral the night before, and - after helping her ready for bed - she realized that the chambers readied for her once belonged to Loki.

The fact had shocked her, and she found herself torn between anger toward Ilva and gratitude. It hurt, knowing that she was expected to stay in the rooms that he called his own for so many years. It felt almost as if the universe was mocking her. The last time she was here, the last time they were together before all of this happened, they were ripped apart by Odin. Now, soon after they were finally reunited, his death tore a fresh wound down the jagged seams of her heart.

She could smell him everywhere, and the fact brought a fresh ache to her heart. Her fingers roamed over every surface, collecting as much information about the man she loved in the only way she could. Every book, every trinket, every smell was catalogued into her brain. She even delved into his wardrobe, selecting a soft green shirt to wear to bed instead of the formal Asgardian nightgown Ilva brought for her. It swallowed her petite frame, the hem falling past her mid-thigh, and she relished in the knowledge that for one night - one last night - she could be close to him.

After sleep evaded her, Anna found herself sitting by the balcony overlooking Asgard. She watched as the stars slowly blinked out when the dawn came, and she discovered herself wishing the night could go one for just a little while longer.

Unfortunately, time doesn't work that way.

Soon, Ilva's knock on the door shakes her out of her thoughts. The maid rushes in with a tray full of food, all of which Anna rejects, and begins reading her for her departure from Asgard. Even Thor intends to stay in Midgard for a while, his promise to return to Jane urging him on, so Anna has no choice but to go with him. She dresses quickly, throwing on the pair of jeans and a sweater than Jane gave her several days ago, and gives Ilva a warm hug.

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