Chapter 40

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"CLOSE THE BIFROST," Odin orders, sending two guards to take word to Heimdall to do so. "No one is to come in or out, until further notice."

The guards nod, spinning on their heels and rushing out of the long throne room. As they leave, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three enter, approaching the throne. Disguised as Odin, Loki taps his fingers impatiently on the sceptre, itching to end the illusion and return to his true form. Should everything go according to plan, it won't be long before he is able to sit on this throne as himself - the rightful king of Asgard - without any threat.

His mind flits to Anna, who is no doubt in Midgard by now. He can't help but wonder if she'll return to her old life in London, or if she'll reconnect with her sister - and probably the Avengers as well. Bristling at the memory of them, the idea of his Anna associating with Thor's gang of misfits nearly makes him growl. Luckily, he bites back the anger and forces himself to maintain his composure.

"You summoned us, Allfather?" Lady Sif asks, kneeling with her three companions.

Loki, as Odin, nods, "There is a threat brewing against Asgard, as seen in the Orb of Agamotto. You must seek out the Grandmaster, learn of his plans, and report back to me. There is a chance that he seeks to possess one of the Infinity Stones, and I am uncertain as to how he plans to use it. Regardless, it is imperative that you tell no one, not even Thor, until we know more of this plot. Thanos continues to seek the Stones, and news of your whereabouts might draw unwanted attention."

Sif nods, as do the Warriors Three, "Yes, Allfather. And what of Asgard?"

"Asgard will be sealed until further notice," he replies, earning a questionable look from the warriors. "When it is safe, Heimdall will call you back to Asgard. As it is, your presence is needed amongst the Nine Realms. We cannot keep them safe without securing our own borders, but we cannot risk leaving the Nine Realms undefended. Do you understand?"

Once again, they all nod, satisfied with his explanation.

"Now go," Loki orders, enjoying the power his appearance as Odin grants him. "I wish you good fortune."

The four warriors depart, leaving straightaway for the Bifrost. Silence falls across the throne room, and Loki sighs. He dismisses the two guards, instructing them to close the doors to the great hall, and waits for them to exit. The doors thud as they shut, the noise echoing throughout the all, and he relaxes back into the chair. Maintaining the physical illusion is draining, but not so much as the effort required to act as Odin would.

He stands after a moment, taking in the empty throne room with a satisfied smile. However, the smirk does not begin to touch his eyes. A pang of remorse throbs through him. The knowledge that, while he possesses the throne to Asgard, he does not have Anna causes him to second-guess himself for a moment. As fast as it appears, he pushes the guilt away and focuses on his plan. Should he succeed, all will be well. Should he succeed, perhaps they might be united once more.

Descending the steps to the throne carefully, Loki turns to the right and heads for an exit through a side door. Behind him, the door to the throne room creaks loudly as it opens. He huffs, annoyed, and debates whether or not he should attend to this intruder. Likely, it is something trivial, as all of his orders have already been issued.

Loki sighs, gripping the sceptre tightly, before turning slowly. A small figure approaches from the distance, and he lets his eyes wander around the chamber - allowing his annoyance to be evident - as the person approaches. Footsteps echo softly, the muted one-two pattern repeating faster than a normal gait. Still at a distance, he narrows his uncovered eye at the figure.

His breath hitches in his chest at the sight. It's her. It's Anna. She hasn't left Asgard yet, contrary to the reports his guards have given him, and his heart twists as her beautiful blue eyes meet his.

"Why have you not returned to Midgard?" Loki asks, struggling to maintain the composure and formal tone of Odin. "What of Thor?"

Anna says nothing, staring straight at him as if she sees him - Loki - instead of Odin. The feeling is unsettling, and he bristles under her scrutiny.

"Speak," he commands.

She hesitates, then takes another slow step forward. Less than twenty feet lay between them, a distance so negligible that - for a moment - Loki is worried she might be able to hear his heart beating through his chest. Likewise, Anna looks just as nervous. Something is the matter, something he can't identify is etched across her features, as she stares back at him.

Inhaling, Anna speaks softly, "Tell me the truth."

"The truth?" Loki scoffs. "Of what?"

She takes another deep breath, and Loki realizes that she's trembling from the effort. Her calm is disintegrating, and it's grating on his own composure.

"Loki..." she whispers.

Loki raises an eyebrow, hesitating, "What of him?"

"Please," Anna says, her voice cracking with emotion. Tears glisten in the corners of her blue eyes as she takes another few steps toward him. "Please...please tell me."

Practically begging, she bites her lip as she fails to prevent the tears from pouring down her cheeks. She's wringing her hands together in front of her, and Loki's eyes travel downward until they land on the silver band she's twisting around her finger. It's the knotted silver ring he gave her when he swore an oath to protect her, binding his soul to hers, on the day he realized that he had fallen in love with this exquisite Midgardian creature.

His eyes widen as he notices she's shifted it to a different finger, and it now sits on the ring finger of her left hand. The Midgardian symbolism strikes him like a lightning bolt, and he finds himself without oxygen. Everything around him disappears, the very universe ceasing to exist, outside of the brunette facing him. Each tear that falls from her eye shatters him anew, until finally he can withstand it no longer.

Crossing the distance between them in a few brief steps, Loki allows the illusion to fall - no longer Odin, but revealing himself to Anna - and takes her in his arms. One hand skims through her hair, while his other arm snakes around her waist and pulls her flush against his chest. His lips crush hers without hesitation as if they are seeking to end the pain he's watched her endure over the past few days, to erase the memory of their separation, and to fuse their souls together once more. 

Now playing: "Make This Go On Forever" by Snow Patrol.


Triple update, done. I love you all!

(PS - Remember how Chapter 40 in The Ides of July was AWESOME? So is Chapter 40 in All Hail The King! You're welcome!)


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