The CEO's Trio ~ Three

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Chapter 3| Freedom.

Why am I doing this?

Because you're a stupid coward, who doesn't know how to say no, that's why!

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I looked so beautiful, I didn't even look like me. But I didn't look happy, I wasn't glowing like most girls on their weddings.

I was having a internal battle with myself, whether I should just marry him, love was so rare nowadays, I probably wouldn't find anybody else, or just leave, why spend the rest of your life with somebody you can't stand.

I let out a deep sigh, and placed my hand on my stomach.

"Hungover?" The make-up artist asked giggling, "Bachorlette parties are always so fun and exciting!"

I chose not to say anything, that wasn't the reason. I hadn't touched a drink last night, except for the bottled water that I had drank before we left.

"Rylee, you look amazing. Dennis sure is a lucky guy." Mystic from work, grinned, crouching down to be at my level. All my friends are tall.

"He is, I would do anything to have a wife as pretty at you." Monique gushed, placing both hands on her cheeks. Why are they talking? Stop talking!

God, I felt so sick. I felt last night's dinner rush up my throat.

"Mommy?" Andre, Diamond's son called energetically, "What's happening to Aunty Rylee?

"She's getting married." Diamond briefly explained, stroking his head.

"Why?" He asked and my heart stopped beating and the realization kicked in. Why? Why was I getting married?

I quickly, closed my eyes, grabbing onto the handle of the chair, struggling to stand up.

"Are you alright?" Kiki a friend from college, questioned worridly, as I jogged past her and straight into the bathroom, where my dinner came out.

"Oh, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Rylee? Are you alright?" Monique cried, covering her eyes, the sight of vomit making her feel ill.

"Rylee? What's wrong? You can tell us, We're your friends." Wendi, my friend from college reassured me, as I began to sob.

Diamond rushed up to me and held me close. Now I was crying hysterically.

"Can you give us a moment?" Diamond requested, stroking my hair as I cried on her chest.

All my bridesmaids walked out of the bathroom murmuring among themselves. I knew none of them really like Diamond, so this clearly irked them.

"Rylee." Diamond called.

I ignored her and countinued to cry.

"Rylee!" She repeated louder this time.

I didn't say anything.

"Rylee you're pregnant aren't you?" She asked.

I nodded my head slowly, feeling so ashamed of myself. The memory of the night flashing through my brain. We were both so drunk, I wasn't thinking.

"You're pregnant and you never thought to tell me!" she whisper-shouted. Even if I had told Obama it wouldn't change the fact that I was still pregnant.

"What do I do?" I sobbed hysterically, "I don't want it, but I do want it."

Diamond held me by my shoulders and shook me.

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