The CEO's Trio ~ Eleven

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Just a filler x

Chapter 11| Call me... Sebastian.



Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I stretched out my legs, glancing around the quiet waiting area for the fifth time that minute.

Mother's and sleeping babies were filling every seat, while their other children entertained themselves by playing with the small activity cube, that had been stuffed in one corner.

I was suprised by their ability to keep quiet, especially when there were so many kids cramped around one toy, that they were all desprate to use.

One of this little kids being Oliver.

I glanced over at the half asleep figure next to me. Mr Reynolds was dosing off in the little seat, his head resting on the wall.

He was kind of cute while he slept, his bottom lip stuck out in a little pout as his eyebrows were furrowed slightly.

He shifted and turned the other way, resting hid head on my shoulder, my heart race quickened and his nearness.

He always seemed to keep his distance and now he was so close.

"Olive Reynolds." The nurse called, popping her head out through the door, making Sebastians eyes flicker open as he stood up, running a hand through his hair.

Our moment had been ruined! Damn you nurse!

Olive squirmed in my arms, as if she was trying to break free from what was going to happen next.

It was like babies could sense when they would be getting their injections. Olive let out a soft whimper and my heart melted, she placed her small chubby fingers on my chest, trying to clutch onto me.

She was getting her second dose of the 5-in-1 vaccine, which protected her from diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b.

"Shhh, baby, it's alright." I whispered, gently rocking her.

Sebastian held open the door for Olive and I and we walked into the doctors office, the door slamming behind us.

"Mr Reynolds." The doctor greeted, without turning around, "Mrs Reynolds and little Olive Reynolds, I'm Doctor Jennifer Powell." She turned around to face us, eyeing both of us, "Little Olive is here for her 5-in-1 vaccination?"

All I heard was the Mrs Reynolds, she had just called me, Mrs Reynolds! He hadn't even corrected her.

"Yes, her second dose." Sebastian agreed, gesturing for me to sit down in the only chair. I sat down because I was holding Olive and because I needed to catch my breath.

"First I'm going to ask you a few questions, is that alright?" She asked, pushing up her glasses, we both nodded and so did she, "When did she get her first dose?"

"About a month ago," I replied, stroking her back.

"Side effects?"

"Only a little fever."

The docter turned around and began preparing the injection. Olive began to cry, loudly, showing her fear. Sensing the tension in the room.

"Take off her clothes and pop her on the weighing scale." The docter instructed.

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