Boy trouble

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I sense danger, and try to escape my harness.
A small box is causing the pain, so I take it with my teeth and try to get it to stand up and fight fair.

Veera pulls back as I go for a death bite.

She cries, "Geode! Don't kill her phone!"
The roomie takes her phone, and holds it like a mother would a child.
My blood boils and I leap for it.
I flap hard, and suddenly a heavy weight holds me down.

Veera apologizes, "I'm so sorry. He sensed you were in pain, some how. He charged up here, and I guess he figured out it was your phone."

I growl as the phone lowers to my level.
I sneek out a fang, and go to secretly snatch it and finish the pain-giving thing off.

Veera jerks me back, and holds me away from it.

The girl introduces, "Coci. You?"
Veera replies, extending a hand, "Veera. This is Geode."

I growl.

Veera asks, "What's your animal?"

Coci comments in a funny voice, "Ermm. Dragon and a fainting goat?"

Then, a huge black beast burst into the room.

I jump back, and growl in fear of it.

I ask it in a strange language what it's doing.

It replies, "My master is in distress. I must aid her. Her small box is causing it. I destroyed the last one, but she just got a new one."

I nod, and we chat back and forth for a while.

Then, our masters catch wind of our conversation.

Coci, knowing the language by heart, realizes what's happening.
Veera...not so much.

Now, Coci is in the conversation.
She asks, "Since when did you speak Dragonin?"
I shrug and reply, "Since Blu began this conversation?"
Blu nods, and smiles a dragon smile.
Then, Veera asks, "What's going on?"
I reply to her, "I'm talking with another dragon in Dragonin. I'll teach the languages I have hard wired in here to you."
She nods.
Then. Blue spots my wings.
He asks, "Can you fly, Geode?"
I shrug, and reply, "I never got the chance."
Then, Blu spreads his big, black wings and takes the leash from a stunned Veera.
I feel a tug, and hop onto his back and onto his neck.
He tells Veera in poor English. "I... am... taking... Geode... to... fly."
She nods in amazement, and Blue loops the leash over the nearest spine.
Then, the spine loops around in, and forms a solid ring around the leash.
Huh, like a safety line.
Blu takes off, and I begin to slide.
I push out my claws, and hang on for dearest life.

We reach the sky, and I look down.
I smile, and enjoy the wind in my sleek fur.
I feel Blu bank, and I use my wings to balance as we suddenly veer left instead of continuing right.
I fly off, and the line cathes me.
I flap, and flap.
I strain, and end up beside Blue again
I rest, and expect to start sinking.
Instead, I go up.
I holler in suprise, and then begin to go down again.
Blu laughs, "Watch 'dem wings, Geode. The angle will tetermine rising and falling. You'll need to carry Veera one day, and that's a big responsibility. You'll also grow to be about my size."
I smile, and thank him for the words of wisdom.
I tuck my wings in accidently after a cloud zooms by.
I forgot the whole wings keep you alive thing.
I flap suddeenly.
I shoot back up, and it looks planned.
I smile, and begin to go up,and down. Up. Down.
Then, I notice I'm alone.
I stop, and look around.
I retrace my steps, but Blu is gone.
Alarms are ringing, and a painful flashback hits me.....

Alarms are ringing. Men are shouting. The abusive hands that hit me so many times are being tied up.

Notice my siblings are still asleep, and I ignore them.
I don't even realize until later they weren't breathing.

I try to escape, but a big man scoops me up.
He holds me like you would a puppy.
He comments, "You're a strange one, aren't you?"

I make the strange noises that made the lab workers cringe back.
The man here just smiles, and stuffs me into another crate.
A lab worker grabs it, and chucks it into the wilderness.

My heart races, and I close my eyes.
I stay quiet, unsure of what's happening.

I hear the plastic splinter and crash everywhere.

I see nothing but open air and a lab worker chasing me being chased by the man before.
A sword is thrown at me, and I take off running.
The lab worker laughs hysterically, until a single gun shot stops my blood and chills it.

The other workers are crying words of vengance at me as I rip through the woods on three week old legs.

I spread my wings, but they can't be of much use right now.

My fur bristles the wind, and I close my eyes.

I raise my nose to the breeze, and tread over the long abandoned dirt road.

Then I ram into a hard object.
I back up, and see a big grey and white beast with blue eyes. It has a face like mine, but the body matches better than mine.

It must be a she, because smaller ones are rushing around her.
She looks at them, and scruffs me.

She carries me to her den, and raises me to be her own.


I smile, and call out in a desperate call of despair.

Veera calls from Blus' back, "GEODE?"

I howl my strange call.

She flies forward through a cloud.

She sees me, and smiles.

I smile back.

I fly to her.

She cries, "Wow! You're flying!"

I nod, happy.

Then, her eyes get wide.

She cries, "CRUD! CHURCH!"

I blink back my suprise.

I ask, "Wha?"

She grabs my halter, and exclaims, "WE'LL BE LATE IN A FEW SECOUNDS IF WE DON'T MOVE!"

I follow her, sensing the urgency.

We return to the room and I lunge for the scientist who is being rude towards Coci.

Serpentine StablesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon