It so happens

89 16 0

??? Pov.
Ug. Not again.

My parents sit me down at the kitchen table.
My moms' Phoenix, Lenord, is standing beisde my mom.

My mom begins a mini lecture, her brown curly hair framing her pale skin.

She lectures kindly, "I've told you the story about finding Lenny. I think... we think it's time you tried your hand at training. Your responsible enough, and we feel you can make it. Next year, you'll be joining Serpintine Stables. I hope... we hope you can find a good animal for your first time, but it'll be what it is and we'll love it to bits."

I sigh, and look out the window.
The sky is slowly turning blue from yellow, red, and pink. It's a very beautiful sunrise, but my head is in the clouds.
I look at my dads' scraggly mutt, and resist stroking it.

I look at my hand, and remember the last time.
I shudder to myself, and look back to the window.
Dragons fly around, and their riders call commands.
Their multi coloured scales create random patterns in the sky as the rising sun catches them.

I look to the rest of the small house. It's a farm house, really. We had it moved here when I was four.

I look at the wooden cupboards along the cream walls, and the stainless steel sink piled with clean dishes for me to put away later.

I look into the living room, and see the taupe sectional peeking around the corner of the white room and stained wood trim.

I sigh, and look down at the stained wooden table. Scratches and scars cover the old table.

I sigh, and stand up.

The wood chair squeeks as I push it against the hard wood flooring.

My mom asks, "Something wrong?"
I shake my head, and go to my room.

I throw essential stuff into suitcases, just in case.
I leave them by my door, and sit on my bed.

What now?

I let my mind wander, and begin to wonder what I'll end up training.
A tiger? No. I'm not a cat person. A wolf maybe? No. Phoenixes are too picky, and Griffons have a real hate on for females.

I grab my book on trainable animals, and begin to flip through it.
One beast sticks out, but the name is smuddged.

It has big wings, dark fur, and beautiful green eyes. But, it doesn't look too friendly.

Then, I see the bottome of the page.

It reads in blood red lettering that looks like running blood,

I shudder, and mumble, "No way."

Little did I know, that book was a bad liar.....


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