Chapter One

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I let out a tiny whimper as I woke up with the biggest headache I've ever felt in my life time, I shot out of bed when I heard growls outside my window and everything came flashing back and I let out a quiet curse as I gripped my head for a minute before slowly tip toeing out of the room and out of the house before I managed to run away I crashed into a furry chest. I backed away when the form rippled before my eyes and it slowly shrank into a human form, I gasped and covered my eyes "Jesus Heracles Christ you're naked!" "oh haha I'm so sorry" a males voice said before I was softly moved from the door before a body brushed past me and into the house.

 I moved my hands from my eyes before looking around and seeing three creatures in the yard two of them looked human but one was a wolf, a blond man was sitting cross legged with the black wolf resting his head in his lap. The other human was whining to the blond about how a Harry had apparently kissed a girl at a club in his dream while the blond just laughed and stroked the wolfs head and I swear I'm not crazy that the wolf let out growls that sounded alot like laughing. "I don't think that Harry would even think about kissing another person, even less a girl Lou" I suddenly felt a hand land on my shoulder and screamed before jumping away, apparently my scream was so loud that the wolf jumped out and atop of the blond man pushing my face first into the dirt, making the man he called Lou roll around the laughter. " -rry I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Harry" 

I looked at the guy who was also the naked one now clothed holding his hands up in surrender "I don't care who you are or what I just want to get home" I threw back before stalking away into the forest surrounding the house. I was suddenly stopped by all three and glared at them when they refused to move, "at least tell us your name" Harry said and I was about to answer when a wet nose was pushing against my chest and inhaled a long breath "What the fuck are you doing" I screamed and punched his nose away before the blond man jumped in front of the wolf "I'm sorry about Zayn, he's really harmless but anyway I'm Niall what's your name?" "I'm Katy but I'm usually called Kat now can someone please take me home"


We finally made it out if the thick forest after walking for what felt forever, and I almost felt like crying out of joy when I saw my street peaking out through the trees. I run ahead of the boys and hear Harry quietly say to the others that Liam, whoever he is wont be happy that they let me go back home, like someone can control if I go home.

 I'm almost to my apartment building when I notice a figure sitting on the steps making me freeze, I hesitantly take a few steps before reconizing the figure and turning on my heel before sprinting back to the boys, I only manage to take a few steps before I'm tackled to the ground and a disgusting voice is whispered in my ear "did you really think you could get away from your master blood bag?" the owner of the voice then dips his head down before I feel razor sharp fangs prick my neck. 

I scream as I feel the weird sensation of my blood being sucked out of my body before I hear the loudest growl and spot the massive paws of a wolf infront of me. The fangs leave my neck and I'm pulled to my feet by my hair and let out a tiny whimper. The wolfs eyes instantly drop to mine before shooting back to Alec's who just laughs and punches me in my stomach making me hunch over with a cry. "What does the Alpha of the Blood moon pack want to do with a regular human" I distantly hear Alec ask and then I hear the juiciest voice answer " That "regular human" you're holding over there is my mate and I would appreciate if you would let her go". I open my eyes to see the ripped body of a me he has a body part to let everyone know he's a man.

 I let me eyes run up his body further before I get to his face just to find his eyes staring intensely into mine and just blush before I feel myself being hit over the head and black spots start to zoom in my sight and I just remember hearing a scream mixed with a whimper before I passed out once again.


I blinked open my eyes before instantly closing them again when I got blinded by the light and turned my head away. I tried to move but it felt like my limbs were tied down by iron. My eyes flew open as the memories came rushing back and I felt my face heat by how I openly checked that guy out, what was wrong with me, who the fuck would check a guy out in that situation. 

"Welcome home princess. I heard you gave Alec a bit of trouble" I heard the voice I wished I never heard again and my eyes instantly watered before I missed out a tiny "please no, please just let me go" my answer to that was a disgusting laughter before a face came into my vision and my wrist was bitten into while I was forced to keep eye contact with the worst creature that was in the worlds. Dracula what was he told people to call him and it was all that I knew him by. He was the head of the vampire mafia, which I in my dumb mind got myself tied into by selling my blood when I needed money the most and now the blood red eyes of that man hunted my dream ever night that I dare cave in to sleep. Please someone save me was the last thing that went through my mind as I was put to sleep by the drugs that were being pumped into my neck by an IV so I wouldn't fight the five or so vampires that were gonna feed for the night.

(A/N) Hi guys I'm really sorry about posting this late 😅 I just had things come up and then christmas rolled in and everything somehow mixed together so I just forgot but I'm getting better I didn't make it to the course I wanted but I've found something else until I try again :) I hope you like this chapter and I'll see you soon....hopefully ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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