Chapter 3

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I slowly walked to the meadow, I looked around if he was already here but, he isn't here

I sat down and looked at the night sky above me

Guess he didn't came

I took out my drawing book from my bag and started to draw, I'm not the best at drawing but, I enjoy it, drawing was an escape from reality for me, you're focusing on the drawing than the world around you, as my pencil started to sketch the world around start to fade away

"Boo!" Someone jump infront of me

I screamed and I close my eyes, opening my eyes slowy to find it is the one and the only stranger, while I'm trying to calm myself from having a heart attack, he was laughing so hard that he was on the ground

I threw my pencil at him and it him on the head "You, jerk!"

He was still laughing so he didn't know I threw the pencil at him, I huffed and sat down to continue drawing

"Man, I wish I filmed that!" he said still laughing

"Yeah, it was so funny" I said sarcastically

"Aw, don't be mad sweetheart it was only just a joke"

"Well, that joke gave me a heart attack you're trying to kill aren't you?"

"I can only wish"

Well that hurt

The only thing I can do is ignore his existence while I'm here, continuing my drawing I add some shading and my signature

"Yes! Done!" I said looking down at my drawing, satisfied, suddenly my drawing was taken from me, as stranger looked at my drawing

"Hey! give the back!" I pounced on, he was taken by surprise, he fell and me falling with him thankfully I landed on top of him while he groaned in pain as his back made contact with the ground

"Geez, calm down woman! You know I'm really liking to position, sweetheart" The position looked like I was straddling him as he wiggled his eyebrows at me

My cheeks heat up as he said that, I quickly got off of him

"You're not a bad artist, you know why not take it seriously?"

"I don't know, honestly I don't want to be an artist"

"Why not?" His eyes glint with curiosity

"Because, I want to enjoy drawing alone and it's one of the hobbies that make me feel calm and what is your passion, stranger? "

"My passion is a secret"

I roll my eyes at him "Very immature of you"

"You tell me your passion, I tell you my passion"

We both sat there in a comfortable silence, I looked up at the sky and saw stars twinkle, you can't get a view like this at my town

I felt someone staring at me, I turned my head to see that the stranger staring at me

"Stranger, I know I'm hot, no need to drool" mocking him

"Arrogant much" mimicking my voice

Offended "I don't sound like that!"

"You make me sound like I was a guy who is drunk out of his Mind!

"You make me sound like I was a barbie girl who got a punch to the boob!"

"Well, atleast you have a sense of humor" he chuckled

"Why, thank you stranger that's the nicest thing you ever said to me"

"I take that back, you're the most boring person I have ever met"

I smack the back of his head

"Ouch! Okay, you have a sense of humor, no need to be violent woman!" he said while rubbing the back of his head

I chuckled at his pain "Aw, is the little stranger hurt?" I said in a mocking tone

"I'm not little!" he whines at me

I chuckled at him Maybe he's not to bad

"Since how long you've been going to this meadow?"

"Maybe 3 or 4 years ago"

"Same with me" he muttered under his breath

Same with me? So, he's been here every night for the past 3 or 4 years, how come I didn't notice him?

"What are you exact doing here, stranger?"

"It's a place where I can think and be alone"

"I thought you were more of a social kind of guy"

"I do have a social life, but sometimes I just want to be alone from everyone" he said while staring at the sky, while I looked at him surprised

He chuckled "There's a lot that you don't know about me, sweetheart"

"And there's a lot that you don't know about me either, stranger"

"I plan on getting to know you, sweetheart" he mumbled to himself

"Oh, really? Stranger"


"You said you wanted to get to know me, i'm flattered, stranger"

"What! No! I didn't say that, you just heard it wrong"

"You said that you wanted to get to know me. So, what do you want to know about me?" I said, blinking at him cutely

"Don't be too confident, Sweetheart"

"I'm not being arrogant! You said it! Stop denying it!" I yell, annoyed at him

Suddenly, he pounced at me and started tickling me and burst out laughing "S-Stranger! S-sto-op!"

"What did you say? Sweetheart" He said, chuckling


"I'll stop if you stop asking about me wanting to get to know you"

"O-okay, p-please st-top!"

Stranget stop tickling me and i sigh in relief, he didn't stop i think i would have peed my pants

And i smack the back of his head

"Ow! Why are you so violent, woman?!"

"Don't tickle me, again"

"Awww, sweetheart is acting all tough, isn't that adorable?"

I stick my tongue out at him

Stranger went over to me and pinch my cheeks "You have really chubby cheeks, it's good if i want to pinch your cheeks again"

I smack his hand and stick my tongue out at him 

He chuckled at me

Stranger, i plan on getting to know you too

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