Chapter 32

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The date was adorable yet simple, still shocked that he actually skip school just to prepare the date

I think it was cute that he was so nevous about everything, always asking me if i like it or not, i'm actually suprised that he prepared a cute and simple which is very thoughtful of him rather than going to a nice dinner

I'm actually starting to think that maybe i have a crush on stranger? That's what jordan said

I get butterflies in my stomach when i'm around him and jugding by all the romance novels, i have read that you have a crush on someone

And to be honest, i kinda forgot the feeling of having a crush on someone so, maybe i do have a crush on stranger

I feel like stranger and i just connect but, not the first time we met

I giggled, remembering the first time we met, he was the guy that ask me to leave 'his' meadow and yet being the stubborn girl i am, i said no and look at us now! Both good friends

That i have a crush on

Well, you do but, i don't

You're considering the fact

As i was saying, good friends that make fun and laugh at each other when their in pain or scared

I'm in my dreamland until someone threw a paperback at me and it hit me on the cheek and i look over to see who threw the ball, of course it's the one and only jordan

"You just giggled when no one said anything!" He whispers

"What?!" I whisper-yell at him

"Stop that it's creepy!" He whispers

"I was just daydreaming!" I whisper-yell at him

He rolls his eyes at me "Yeah, daydreaming about that guy from the meadow"

"I was not thinking about him!"

He rolls hie eyes at me "You can't lie to yourself, Addie"

I groan in annoyance

Jordan's right

No, he's not

You just giggled when you daydreamed about stranger, by yourself woman! That's next level creepy!

To say, i'm annoyed that my self conacious is right

What is stranger doing to me?!

Maybe he's slips drug into my rasberry lemonade before

But, a voice in my head said that i can trust him

Why do i believe that voice?

I don't know!

It's a good thing because if i never trusted him, i would never be friends with him

The school bell rang and i snap out of my daze, grab my backpack and head out the door, i went to my locker and put my books there

Until, someone hug me from behind and i can't move by the smell of his axe cologne, i can tell it's jordan

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging my best friend, it that a crime?"

I giggle "No, it's just you rarely hug me from behind"

He shrug his shoulders "I saw the opportunity and i took it"

"You're never like this, jordan"

He sighs and let go of me "I just miss my best friend"

Wild Flower Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ