Chapter 41

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We watch the football game together I really didn't pay attention I'm not a big fan of sports.

After the game everyone goes over to the gym, I have to admit they did a great job it's beautiful.

"They did good" Sara says

"I know" Claire agrees

"Jamie let's go dance" holly says to James

"Yeah Jamie go dance with the girl" Claire smiles a fake smile

"Let's go" James says grabbing Holly's hand

"They have snacks come on Claire and Michael" Sara says they follow her

"Want to dance?" Tyler asks me I nod

"You better not step on my feet" I laugh

"I can't promise that"

We make our way to the dance floor, he puts his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Did I tell you that you how gorgeous you look tonight" he smirks

"Did I tell you how handsome you look" he did look good like really good

He spins me around.

The dance actually was pretty fun.

Sara and Claire convinced Michael to dance he was a horrible dancer though but it was sweet that he tried.

holly left sometime in the evening, her and James weren't having a good time you could tell and I kept seeing James looking at Claire.

Somehow we were basically the last ones left in the school beside the janitor.

"I need to grab my lipstick out of my locker" Claire says we all walk into the hallway

"I guess everyone went to the after party" Sara says since everyone left so early

"I think it's at mikes house"James adds

I press my back against the lockers as we all wait for Claire to grab her lipstick.

I hear footsteps I guess not everyone left,
I start walking towards the steps I see a couple of guys, humans but they look a little too old to be in high school they look around 25 .

"Hi cutie" one of the guys says to me, we are basically standing face to face the other guys are all smirking

I start to turn around when he grabs my arm hard but it doesn't hurt me.

"Hey!" I hear Tyler yells

Him and the others all start coming towards me and the strangers and they look pissed.

"Let her go now!" Tyler growls even scaring me

"What are you going to do little boy" he says back laughing

"I would listen to him if I were you" Michael says furious

"Aw look how protective they are of there pet" he says smirking

"Pet?" I ask confused

"You have 5 seconds before" Tyler starts saying but the guy interrupts

"Before what MUTT! You can't do anything" he tells them, I look at Tyler and the rest of them they look shock they know that this guy knows what they are

"What do you want?" Claire asks calmly

"Well sweetheart we been looking for your kind" he says, I feel sick this is them but it can't they are just a couple of humans

"Why have you been looking for them?" I ask like I don't know what's going on

"Have you guys not told her what kind of monsters you are" he says caressing my face
with his left hand while still holding my arm with his other hand, I could easily escape but I don't know if I should yet

If looks could kill these bad guys would be dead, Tyler and the guys look ready to attack but it's not a full moon so they can't transform into a werewolf but they are stronger than a regular human.

"Shut up!" Sara yells

"Awe did I hurt your feeling little girl I didn't know your kind could feel" he laughs

"What do you want with us" Tyler says he
trying to stay calm but failing

"I was told to find your kind that's my job but that doesn't mean we can't have fun in the mean time" he tells them, so these aren't the people doing this they just work for them

"Why?" James asks

"To exterminate you of course get ride of your kind you don't belong in this world" I try not to roll my eyes these guys are crazy

"Who do you work for" Michael asks

"Sorry that's for me to know and you to dot dot dot" he smirks then looks at me "you are beautiful you don't know what you got yourself into but it's to late you know to much" what is he talking about? he lets go of me I look at him confused

"Aria" Tyler says wanting me to come to him I start walking over to where he's standing

"Aria is it" the guy says I stop and look at him "I do apologize" he takes out a gun from the back of his pants and shoots me 3 times

I stand there in shock bleeding.

"Aria!" Tyler says running to me, I fall to the ground "it's going to be okay" he says trying to put pressure on my wounds with his hand I see a tear come out of his eye and then everything goes black


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