Chapter 45

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I keep forgetting how huge Tyler's house is

"Okay everyone can get there own room" Ella tells us

"Why can't I just stay at my house" Alaric moans as we make our way to our rooms

"If I have to stay here then you do too" I tell him

"Fine" he mumbles I smirk

I put my things in my room and start walking
around this place I feel like I could get lost,
Somehow I end up in there home gym it's pretty nice I guess I mean if You work out

"Lost?" I hear Tyler behind me

"Sorry i was just looking around" I say hoping he not mad

"It's fine" he smirks

We stare at each I feel like I should say something but I don't know what to say

" we are having a meeting upstairs" he says

"O" I say a little disappointed

We make our way upstairs to this meeting room why they have a room like this I don't know

I see everyone is already seated I also see a couple people who I never seen before

Me and Tyler sit down

"You must be Aria" says an old guy probably in his sixties but he says it in a almost disgust way

"Yep that's me" I tell him with a wink

"This is Charles" Ella tells me "that is Dianne his oldest daughter" she gestures to a woman in her late twenties with dark brown hair "and Marie his other daughter" a girl that looked around our age "this is Alaric, Ezra and Aria" Ella says

"Well we finally meet Dracula I guess it's true what they said about vampires they really can't see themselves in a mirror" that Marie girls smirks looking right at me

That bitch was about to get slapped

"Let's proceed with the meeting I don't want you to be late for your back wax" I smirk right back at her I hear James and Michael laugh

"Enough" Charles says "we have a crisis on our hands someone is tracking down werewolves and also vampires and killing them"

"We know that they send humans to track down the supernatural" Ezra says

"Yes. we should all prepare for a battle if it does come to that. Where are the vampires staying?" Charles asks Ella I wonder if he knows that the vampires have names

"Here" Ella tells him

"Why would you allow them to stay in your house" Marie gasp

"Excuse me but we been protecting them" I say

"What if they kill you in the middle of the night" that Marie girl says ignoring me

"Can I kill her?" I whisper in Ezra ear

"No" he laughs

"Just a little bit?" I whine he smirks

"There is no need to worry they would not harm any of you" Alaric says to them

"Like we are supposed to take your word, they are monsters that kill!" she says

"How would you know you only just met one 5 mins ago" I say

"That may be but we all have been told stories about vampires from a early age how you kill without mercy" she spats I guess that's why werewolves hate us so much we our scary stories you tell your children but honestly what she saying is pretty much true with most vampires

Vampires vs Werewolves Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon