[8] Bite Marks

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Oliver returned to find the apartment door unlocked and his spare keys discarded on the ground. At first what troubled him the most were the blood stains on the cheap tiles, how was he going to get them out? At least that's what he was worried about, but when he saw the state of his little brother he was furious. Curled up on the shabby couch he could barely afford with a tear streaked face and bloodied clothes was Everett. He had used his towel to bandage his wounded neck and fell victim to exhaustion.

A wounded Everett wasn't something Oliver was unused to seeing, but these injuries weren't self-inflicted. Everett craved pain in his own sick, twisted way, but not to this extent, not this.

Judging by the door situation he could only guess his brother had wandered off once again. It was surprising really, Everett had always done as he was told, he hated when Oliver was disappointed with him and was always vying for his attention. Oliver thought of him more like a needy child than how Everett wished he would.

Oliver didn't have any trouble guessing who his brother had ran into. It was almost like a sixth sense the way he could tell them apart from the normal ones. The blood beneath their nails, the look in their eyes, they were all very small details he had learned to pick up, and he was sure Laitus had too. Though there was something that made him different from the rest. Oliver could only guess someone else was running things up in that head of his.

Deciding it was best to wake his brother Oliver retrieved a first-aid kit from beneath the faulty kitchen sink and a warm, half-drunk beer from the counter. Squatting down in front of Everett's sleeping form he carefully unwrapped the towel before carelessly pouring an unnecessary amount of beer over the festering wound.

Jolting awake with a scream Everett attempted to stop the burning pain that tore into his neck. All the while Oliver took a swig of his beer, looking rather amused at his younger brother's distress. Oliver knew the beer would do nothing but worsen the gash in his neck and that's what made it all worth it, he thought of it as a small punishment for misbehaving.

"Oliver," Everett cried his brother's name and held the bloodied towel to his neck once again. He sniffled and wiped his tears before reaching a hand towards Oliver. "Big brother I don't wanna' go outside ever again," he sobbed, wishing his brother would embrace him and tell him everything would be alright like he did as a child.

Silently Oliver set to work cleaning his brother's wound as he wept beneath him, tracing the wound with his fingertips Oliver now knew what exactly that fuck had done to him. The bite mark was obvious and rather deep, this made him immediately regret tormenting Everett. The making of the injury would have been enough torment for the poor kid, he could only imagine how he had done it. At first he would slowly sink his teeth in, but once the delicious taste of blood hit his mouth he'd get greedy, he'd want more and-

Oliver threw away his thoughts quickly when he felt his pants tighten and stitched his brother up as quickly as possible, trying his best to keep his mind from wandering. Everett had settled down by the time Oliver wrapped a clean bandage around his throat and left for his room, a second beer in his hand.

Oliver hadn't always been like this, as children the two were inseparable, though as the years went by the brothers went through some rather unsavoury changes of their own and Oliver started to distance himself from his younger brother. He still felt a protective instinct towards Evan but it was far from what they had shared as innocent youth. This was more far more controlling; there we're no emotional attachments like Everett felt.

Everett felt himself drawn to the slightly ajar door of his brother's room. He had only peeked inside about a week after they'd first moved into the rundown apartment, only to be quickly ushered off just as he noticed the blood splattered walls. The next day his brother had returned with an array of cleaning supplies and sealed himself away for hours, the entire house smelt of bleach for weeks.

It became a common occurrence for Evan to find small traces of people around the house; it could be a chunk of scalp and hair, a bloodied nail, even an ear had found its way into their refrigerator. Though Evan never questioned it, he didn't need to.

Everett curled up on his couch, bunching the itchy blankets under his chin to keep himself warm. His hands trailed to his aching neck and he slowly dug his fingers into the bandages, causing the stitches to open slightly and him to let out a delighted noise. He was sure he would've enjoyed the bite if it was Oliver who had caused it.

It didn't take long for him to drift off into a deep sleep.


[A/N] That is indeed our darling Everett looking as dashing as ever attached. As always don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! :)

~ Fawn

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