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This book has been over two years in the making, and there are so many, many people to thank for helping me in journey that this book has taken me on. 

First to my grandmother. Thank you for your support from day one and your fantastic editing skills. These past two years would have been a nightmare without you.

Second, I want to thank my grandpa, who always had a good joke or two (or twenty) up his sleeve and was a huge inspiration for many of the fun scenes in this book. I love you so much, Grandpa, and I miss you!

Thanks to my mother, who has waited anxiously and patiently for the conclusion of this book. Maybe now that it's over you can finally read it all the way through without forgetting the details! (I know it's a stretch, but I have faith in you!)

A big thanks to my dad, for always being patient with me when I was so distracted with my writing that I didn't get my chores done. You've always been amazing and will continue to be.

Thanks Hannah and Maddy, for threatening me when I found myself contemplating whether or not to kill off your favorite characters. You can relax now that you know Heath and Ike are safe... for now! Mwhahahahahaha!

Thanks to Kat, Arianna, Diana, Lissy, Lindsay, and Lottie for being my biggest supporters in my moments of doubt in both this book and my life. You are all truly amazing and I admire each and every one of you! You are truly amazing people!

Thanks to all of my family for putting up with my habit of staying up late writing and being patient with me when I was grumpy the next morning. And I'd like to apologize to my brother for always stealing the computer to write when all he wanted to do was watch Minecraft videos on Youtube in peace. You're amazing, Brother!

And a big, BIG thanks to all of my Wattpad readers, who supported this book from the first click, especially shadowfax_riders, who I have come to know through her amazing and supportive comments.

Thanks to Nora for making the fantastic cover! You are truly talented! I hope you continue to hone your skills until you're the Jennifer Lawrence of the graphic designing world!

And finally, thank YOU! Thank you for reading this book cover to cover (or rather, E-cover to E-cover) and for putting up with my crazy ideas and weird sense of humor (thanks again for that, Grandpa!)

I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for this incredible experience!

~L. L. Newitt

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