Sneak Peak of Book Two of the Otar Chronicles: The Keepers of Otar

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Zia's breathing was sharp and fast. Her legs were a blur as she ran hard, weaving in and out of thick trees to avoid slamming into them. She wanted to look behind her to see if her pursuer was gaining on her, but she knew that turning back would only slow her down, and she needed to stay ahead.

Zia heard a branch break somewhere behind her and she ran even faster. She could not let him catch her. If he did, then it was all over.

"You can't avoid me forever, Zia," his voice shouted through the trees. "I'll find you eventually."

Not if I can help it, she thought.

She burst into a clearing and stopped to gather her bearings. She tired to listen out for her pursuer, but the forest was silent except for her heavy breathing.

Next thing Zia knew, she was pinned to the ground by her shoulders. She thrashed and tried to kick out with her legs, but they just flailed uselessly in the air.

"Got you," a familiar voice said. "It's over. No more running."

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