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Connor just wasn't in the mood to sit and think, but he knew he had to help Alpha Monroe

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Connor just wasn't in the mood to sit and think, but he knew he had to help Alpha Monroe. He had heard bits and pieces of what had happened two years ago. Not only did Alpha Monroe lose the majority of his pack and his territory, but he also lost his only child. Connor frowned, he remembered very little of John and could only remember that his daughter was annoying. Or at least her following him constantly had annoyed him, but then he hadn't seen her since she was little. He couldn't even remember what she looked like or what her name was.

Connor sighed, rubbing his head. His eyes opening as he heard the door open. "You are just as big as your father, goddess rest his soul." He stared at John and smiled. Just seeing the man had brought back memories of his father and John. They had been two peas in a pod.

"How are you John?" Connor asked
gesturing for John to take a seat. "My mother said you need help, what is it that you need help with?"

Alpha Monroe took a deep breath. "I need sanctuary. Until I can form a plan to take my territory back. Until such a time I would like your permission to bring what's left of my pack into your territory."

Connor sat back in his chair, he didn't have a problem with that. And he knew that if be refused his mother would never forgive him. "You've my permission, but you won't be doing this all alone. I will help you reclaim your land." Connor could see the obvious relief on John's face.

"My beta, Mac is bringing my daughter. He has been watching over her for the past two years."

Connor frowned. "I thought and had heard your daughter died in the attack?"

John shook his head. "I thought she was, but Mac found her. He tells me she doesn't remember anything, but she is alive and that is all that matters."

"Why didn't you reunite with her sooner?" Connor was having a hard time comprehending.

"The Alpha who attacked us was there for my daughter. When rumors began to spread of her death, I let them go. Even after I learned she was still alive. It was safer and I didn't know if I was being watched."

Connor nodded slowly, "I understand now. It mistake been difficult for you." Connor was silent for a moment. "You have mine and this packs support. By the way, I seem to have trouble recalling your daughters name."

Alpha Monroe smiled, "Cadence. She loved you dearly as a child. I remember her always saying that when you two got older you would be mates.. She said she was sure."

Connor's breath caught. It couldn't be. It couldn't. There was just no way that they were the same person..


Cadence frowned, looking around. Because of Mac she seemed to be heading back to where she was running from. Unsure she kept quiet until theft were literally right beside the border. "Mac you need to explain. I won't walk a step further until you give me answers."

Mac sighed he knew that once Cadence set her mind to something there was no changing it. "I am no stranger to you, nor am I a rogue. I am the Beta of the Monroe pack. You aren't a rogue either. You were born in a pack." Mac blurted. "Our pack was attacked. Most didn't make it. Those who did fled. We promised that when it was time we would reclaim all that we had lost. Your father-"

Cadenced felt as if she was punched in the gut. "What do you mean my father? What are you talking about Mac? You have lied to me all this time! You knew I didn't have memories and you took advantage of that, why?!" Cadence demanded.

"Your father felt it was best. The man who attacked-" Mac hesitated. He didn't want to tell her, he shouldn't be telling her any of this. "The man who destroyed our pack was there for you Cadence... Your father was just trying to keep you safe..."

Cadence gasped, then screamed as sharp pains shot threw her head. Cadence clutched her head as the pain became even more painful, her vision blurred and she could barley make out Mac's voice screaming her name. Why had the Alpha wanted her? She had a father? A pack? Why all the lies! What the hell happened? Cadence's mind suddenly went blank and her vision black. Her last sensation was of falling.


It's shorter then usual and I apologize, but I really wanted this posted.

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