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Connor didn't stop when he returned Cadence to his territory

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Connor didn't stop when he returned Cadence to his territory. He knew he would have to address his pack and make sure that they understood that betrayal and disloyalty weren't a small offence. He would exicute anyone who betrayed them. By the time he returned to the pack house Cadence was passed smooth out, he didn't know what she went through or what was done to her. The only thing he was sure of was that she hadn't been marked against her will. Connor placed Cadence in his bed, feeling better that she was safe in his room and then left the room. He had a lot to do, he just hoped he could get it done before she woke up.

"I want the pack gathered, not one person is to be missing. Get it done." Connor ordered Jake who was standing outside his room waiting for his Alpha. "Also, get Doctor Simon's and have him go to my room, along with my mother to examine Cadence."

Connor saw Joey at the end of the hall and took a deep breath. "Is she okay?" Joey asked, before Connor could get a word in. "Is she alive?"

Connor nodded, unsure of the first, but was confident that she would be well after whatever treatment Doctor Simon's did. "She will be fine, it may take a bit, but she will get better. I have a lot to do, so I will talk to you later and maybe you'll be able to visit her. I'm sure Cadence would love to see you." Connor could see the joy light up Joey's eyes and smiled. Connor patted Joey's head as he passed him. By the time he reached the court yard he was happy to see that his pack had gathered. He could see some confused faces, some nervous faces and some that didn't show emotion. He knew by the end he would have all of their attention.

"I can't express how ashamed I am of you all. I have always prided myself on my pack, yet after your display of disloyalty to not only your Luna, but to your Alpha as well I feel nothing, but shame. I can't believe you all have hardened your hearts so much, that you can't look past titles. You can't see that you are pushing someone who would be as loyal to you as I am away. Now, one of our own let his hatred take root and he betrayed us. He turned your Luna over to her enemy. And, not one of you did anything to prevent it." Connor stated, glaring over his pack. Some bowed their heads in shame, while other's openly defied him. Connor growled a warning and they quickly lowered their heads. "You are either loyal to both your Luna and to me or you aren't. Be warned, I will no longer tallorate disrespect towards Cadence. If you choose to respect her, you are free to stay, but if you refuse to then you are free to leave and I expect you gone within the hour."

The entire pack gasped in shock and began to murmer feverlently amongst each other. Connor didn't stop them, but let them continue for a moment longer before shouting. "Enough! Those who choose to stay step to the right, those who choose to leave step to the left." Connor watched anxiously as some of his pack stepped to the right and some to the left. The majority of those who'd stepped to the right, were his senior wolves. Connor sighed when they were all in their spots. "Those on the left have one hour starting now." Connor turned away from the pack, only to stop when he heard an angered shout.

"You turn us away, banishing us from the pack beacuse of a rogue?" The unbelieving voice said.

Connor turned and glared at who he recognized as Malic's son of seventeen. "You've made your choice. It was explained that Cadence isn't a rogue, that she does belong to a pack. But, even if she was indeed a rogue it wouldn't have made a difference. I choose Cadence and though I feel as though every single one of your are family to me, in the end I would choose her. If I had to lose everything just to be with her, I would give it all up without a second thought." Connor spoke louder, hoping one last time to make his pack understand. "Those of you who have found your mate's will understand how I feel. And one day, you will too. I only pray that you are wise enough not to turn it away when it comes." Connor didn't wait for any further talking. He turned and went back into the pack house, his intentions to see how his lovely mate was.

Rushing back inside Connor made a quick detour at the kitchen and then shot up the stairs to his room. Connor was happy to see Cadence now sitting up in bed. She looked a whole lot better then she did when he had last seen her. "How do you feel?" Connor asked, closing the sitance and sitting on the side of the bed. He winced when he seen her still bruised face. He felt the rage build up once again and wished he had tortured Thomas just a bit longer. He hadn't at the time gotten a good look at her when he first came into the room where Thomas held her, but now he could see the healing split in her lip and could see the bruises that shined beneath the bedroom light.

Cadence smiled lightly, "my body aches a bit, but otherwise I feel a lot better." Cadence's face still hurt and she imagined she was a ugly sight to look at right now. She didn't miss his wince and even though she was sure she was over reacting, felt somewhat upset that he was seeing her like she was. She bowed her head, trying to hide her face from Connor's view, but gasped as Connor's warm hand gripped her jaw lightly and lifted.

"Don't hide from me. You are beautiful and that will never change." Connor's eyes softened as he seen the shean of tears in Cadence's eyes. He really didn't know how to handle a crying woman, but he knew he would do just about anything to see that she was happy again. "What happened Cadence?" 

Here it is. One more chapter then the epilogue.... *sniffles*

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