Chapter 6

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The show was a success. I talked to Sam and he agreed that what we did was a mistake and should never be mentioned to Brandon or Jenny.

"So where we goin'? Dinner or drinks?" Katie asked, "I think the superstar should pick."

"Haha, umm, what about dinner? That way Liv can come with us."  I look at Liv and raise me eyebrows. "Sound good?"

"I don't want you guys missing out on having fun just because I'm pregnant. Go get drinks, I'll just go home." Liv had always been a homebody and I could tell she was going to use this pregnancy to her full advantage.

"No one gets left out. We'll go to dinner and drinks." I put my arm over her shoulders, starting to walk to our cars. "Plus, in 9 months you'll be wishing for an invite. I can tell this little one is gonna cause trouble." I say in a baby voice, poking her stomach. I do pirouettes in the parking lot and leap to where our cars are parked.

She giggles. 'What has gotten into you? I haven't seen you this amped up since your 21st birthday. Redbulls and vodkas all night." She laughs at the thought of me crashing after a full night of partying. 'Brandon was there, I'm sure he remembers." She looks over at Brandon and smiles.

"Not only do I remember, I had to hold her hair back as she threw it all up." he shudders at the thought.

"Good times..if only I could remember it." I can't remember 1 thing from that night. Well, I remember the 1st drink and the 4 o'clock drunken chili fry run to Johnny Rockets .

"Ha, remember that one time you thought it would be a good idea to run on the treadmill at my parents house after you had taken 4 shots of Jack? Oh man, I'll never forget having to explain to my parents why you were crying in the shower. You were scraped from head to toe. Bran had to change your bandages for a week." Katie was telling the story I wasn't most proud of.

"Hey now, I'm not the only one who does stupid shit when they drink." I shoot a look at Katie.

"What? I don't go crazy." Katie shrugs her shoulders in an attempt to defend herself.

"Katelyn Taylor Hartman, if this was a point system you would by far have the most points." Liv firmly says. Katie just shrugs and has a look on her face that says "What are ya gonna do?"

"Anyway," I say, trying to steer clear of a fight brewing between the 2. The last thing I wanted was someone to ruin a night as perfect as this. "Where should we eat?"

"What about Bootleggers?" Brandon suggests.

"Italian? Don't know if I'm feeling that tonight. Too heavy. Too many carbs." Katie disapprovingly says.

"Ok then, Katie. Where do you suggest we eat?" I say rudely.

"Let's go to Aureole? Then we just go to Mandalay to get drinks."

"Umm, no. Liv is pregnant. She can't eat seafood. You know what, Bran? Bootleggers sounds wonderful, I've been craving Italian." I smirk at Katie, as she groans. "Meet you there!" I yell at Katie and Liv from the passenger seat of Brandon's car. We speed off toward the strip, passing neon lights and souevenir shops along the way.


                                                                  Brandon's POV

"There's like, no one here." Katie says, looking around the restaurant from our booth in the back.

"Because it's 9 o'clock on a thursday, dipshit." Natalie snaps.

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