Chapter 7

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                  Brandon's POV

"Nat, baby, we're almost there." I shake her shoulder to wake her up.

"What time is it?" She asks, yawning.

"Almost 5. Do you want to call your parents and tell them we're in town?"

"Not really."



"You ready?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"It's now or never." Natalie says, checking her bun in the mirror.

We step out of the car and walk up the front path to the door.

"Wait." Natalie says before I knock on the door. She looks at me and smooths the wrinkles out of my 'Some Girls' t shirt and tucks one of my  pants pockets back in. She touches her bun one more time and runs a hand over her stomach before saying: "Okay lets do this." and rings the doorbell.

I grab her hand and squeeze it. She looks at me and gives me a weak smile. We wait a few seconds before someone opens the door. 

"Mom" Natalie blurts out. 

Her mom looks at Natalie, then at me, then back at Natalie. 

"Natalie" Her mother hugs her for a split second before releasing her. "Brandon." She extends a hand for me to shake. I hesitate before shaking it, contemplating whether or not I should hug her.

"Evelyn, so nice to see you again." i smile at her and clear my throat.

"Likewise, Brandon." She responds, cordially. We stand in silence for a moment before Natalie speaks up. 

"Can we, uh, come in?" Natalie asks, sounding like a child.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just a little flustered. Yes, of course." She steps back and opens the door wider so we could fit through. "Come in, come in."

"Where's dad?" Natalie asks, looking around the entryway.

"I had him run to the grocery store to get some last minute things for dinner." She says. "He would've stayed if we knew you were coming this early. You should've called." She sternly answered.

"I know, Brandon told me to call, but I just assumed it would be okay." Natalie said in a tone I had never heard her use before. 

"Well, you know what happens when you assume.." Evelyn scorned.

"Yeah, yeah." Natalie groaned.

Things were starting to get awkward for me. I put my arm around Natalie's shoulder as a way of telling her to relax. It was just her mother. I watched Evelyn's eyes follow my arm as I moved it to Nat's shoulder. She was uncomfortable. 

"You know, I think I'll just go get the bags out of the car." I declared. I thought that Nat and her mom could use some alone time. 

Natalie smiles at me, "Okay." After she kisses my cheek I smile at her mom and back out of the room.

I walk out the front door and grab the two suitcases and bring them up the path. I decide to call my mom to tell her we got here safely, and to give Natalie some time with her mom. 

A few minutes later I walk back inside and find the girls in the kitchen sitting at the kitchen table. Natalie is sitting with her back straight and her hands folded. I set the bags down.

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