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Leia and Anakin were walking with the commanders when Luke walked past his ship. Both Anakin and Leia's intuition gave them the insight that Luke was upset.

"What's wrong?" Leia more demanded than asked.

"Oh, it's Han." Luke rolled his eyes, and slumped his shoulders, "I don't know, I just really thought he'd change his mind."

"He's got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him." Leia comforted him.

"I just wish this whole thing could've gone better, with Obi-Wan gone and Han leaving-" Luke began but was interrupted by Leia giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Luke looked at her as if she were the stars. Then Leia walked away and Luke smiled to himself.

"We're going to talk." Anakin stopped Luke at the sight, he was realizing that the love Luke were sharing was definitely friendlier than he'd like.

"Sure. It just has to be-" Luke started but out of the corner of his eyes he saw a friendly face he could not ignore.

"Luke! I don't believe it! How'd you get here?" Biggs asked, "I heard you were but I had to see it for myself! You coming out with us?"

"Biggs! Of course, I'll be up there with you! And boy, have I got some stories to tell you.." Luke starts but Red Leader approaches him.

"Are you Luke Skywalker?" Red Leader asked, "You're sure you can handle this ship?"

"Sir, Luke is the bushpilot in the outer rim territories." Biggs pat his friend on the back. Anakin smiled, he remembered when he had that title. It made him no happier to see his son also achieve it.

"Luke, I'm going to go get checked out. I'll see you up there." Anakin winked, turning to leave.

"You're going?" Luke questioned, concern hidden in his face.

"You don't think I'd really let you have all the fun, do you?" Anakin yelled as he walked away to get changed.

Luke looked at Red Leader, "You're letting him out there? Are you sure?"

"Kid, you know who your father is right?" Red Leader rose a brow.

"I wish I did." Luke uttered under his breath.

"I met your father once before, when I was a very young boy, he's a great pilot. One of the best the galaxy has ever seen." Red Leader described, "Hell, if you've got half your fathers skill, you'll do much better than alright."

"Thank you, sir. I'll try." Luke bowed his head to him as Red Leader went to check out his own ship.

"Father?" Biggs looked to Luke, "I thought you said your parents died?"

"That's of the many stories I need to tell you." Luke scratched the back of his head.

"Alright then. Listen, I've got to get aboard. But you'll tell me your stories when we get back?" Biggs told him.

"Sounds like a plan. I told you I'd make it someday, Biggs." Luke smiled.

"I always knew you would! It's going to be like the good ole times, Luke!" Biggs yells as he runs to his ship.

Luke laughs at his friend as he approaches his own ship. As he climbs up the ladder, a man hoists R2D2 into the astro droid socket.

"Master Skywalker sent this droid over to you. He said it'd help, but it's a little beat up. Are you sure you don't want a new one?" The man asks.

"Not on your life!" Luke remarks, so happy Anakin allowed him to have him, "This little droid and I have been through a lot together."

Luke turned back to face R2, "You okay, buddy?"

R2 whirs with excitement. It's like he's back in the Republic Army. His kind master leading the way.

"Hang on tight, R2! You have got to come back." 3PO pleaded from below. R2 gives a cocky beep back, a personality trait he keeps from his days along side Anakin.

Anakin hops into the X-Wing next to Luke right as the glass window is brought down over them. They whole fleet fires up their ships and put on their helmets.

As Luke lifts off the ground he hears in his head: "Luke, the force will be with you."

It sounded like Obi-Wan. Just for a second he heard the mans voice. But of course it couldn't be? Luke saw him die, watched him give up his life. He blamed the voice on his grief and overwhelmed mind.

"All wings report in." Red Leader demanded.

All the pilots reported in. Red 10, Red 3, Red 6, Red 9, Red 2, Red 8, Red 7, Red 11. Then Luke reported in:

"Red 5, standing by." He declared.

"Red 4, standing by." Anakin said right after.

"Lock S-Foils in attack position." Red Leader ordered.

Anakin, Luke, and their peers all locked their wings into their X-position. The whole fleet so far had passed through the magnetic field.

"Hold tight!" Red Leader announced.

All the pilots adjusts their settings as they go into the Death Star. They all switch on their deflectors, double front. Luke rushes to switch the double front on.

"Look at the size of that thing!" Wedge comments, the closer they get the bigger it seems.

"Cut the chatter, Red 2."  Red Leader scolded him, "Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys!"

"Red Leader, this is Gold Leader." Gold Leader suddenly came into the intercom.

"I copy, Gold Leader." Red Leader responded.

"We're starting for the target shaft now." Gold Leader reported.

  "We're ready, Gold Leader. We're going to cut it close, we'll draw out their fire." Red Leader told him.

Anakin gripped his X-Wing, he could feel her. The feeling had changed, the chill went up his back as if finger nails scratched his back. He felt a breath go down his neck. It felt loving, yet wrong. He found it distracting. She has to know he's also here.

"Their fire is heavy!" Red 2 warned.

"I see it. Stay low!" Red Leader shared.


She felt him. He's here in his element on her terms. She could take him, she was no longer a young girl. She didn't care about the fire on Yavin 4 anymore. She walked through the halls to the hangar, she needed to get closer. She needed to find him.

"We count thirty Rebel ships, Lady Majka. But they're so small they're evading our turbo-lasers." An astro-officer reports to her.

"We'll need to destroy them ship to ship. Any big explosion will damage the Death Star." Majka advised, "Get the crews to their fighters."

She continued to walk to the hangar as the Astro-Officer ran ahead of her to make the announcement to the pilots. Majka felt it wouldn't be enough. The first thing she learned when she faced rebels about 5 years ago, was never underestimate them.

Now the rebels are underestimating her, and it is most insulting to send a few X-Wing fighters to destroy what she has worked for.

"Get me my TIE fighter." She looked at the man near the door of the hangar.

"Are you sure, my Lady?" The man courageously asked. Majka turned directly around.

"Don't ever ask me if I'm sure about anything ever again." Majka stared at him, "I wouldn't have to go out there if you all were good at your job to get rid of a few X-Wings. So, get me my TIE fighter."

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