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Luke beat the Rancor's thumb with a rock with all his might until it backed away in pain. Luke heard the thumb's bone snap. When it did Luke made the plan to run to the other side of the cage where he saw a door.

He sprinted through the beasts legs, getting by without tripping or being caught he found the wall to give him access. He must not be the first one since once he opened the door, another door was right behind it, locked from the outside. He was so frustrated he jiggled on it repeatedly only earning laughs from the crew.

The Rancor screamed and thumped as it walked towards Luke again. He looked to the side, seeing a button that must be what closes the pit's gate but there was no way he could reach it without getting snatched. Luke took a shot, he grabbed a rock and threw it right at the button just as the Rancor's head came past it.

The gate came down and crushed right into the beasts neck. It whimpered for one moment, then was silenced. The laughing upstairs stopped. He had actually beaten this thing with no lightsaber at all.

Anakin finally found the Rancor pit's door, he hadn't seen anything that happened but he saw a large man with no shirt cry and run in. Jabba bellowed to go get him, Han, and Chewie. Anakin ran in and grabbed Luke, thats when he saw the Rancor dead.

"Nice disguise." Luke whispered.

"You killed it?" Anakin said, shocked.

"Yeah, would've been easier with my lightsaber." Luke said, a bit moody.

"Now you know you don't need it." Anakin said. Pulling him out of the pit. Another beast keeper tied up Luke's wrists and Luke didn't resist.

"I got him." Anakin told the man, "Come on, Jedi Scum."

"Seriously?" Luke said back to his Father as Anakin pushed him down the hallway.

"I don't know thats what people always used to call your mom and I." Anakin explained.


"Han!" Luke exclaimed, as Lando and another guard came the opposite direction carried Han and Chewie out.

"Luke!" Han said back, struggling with his feet.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked, Han being pushed in front of him.

"Fine." Han rolled his eyes, "Together again."

"Wouldn't miss it." Luke said.

"How we doin'?" Han asked, their usual smart alec behavior driving the crowd mad.

"Same as always." Luke shrugged.

"That bad, huh?" Han said almost falling in front of Jabba, "Where's Leia?"

"I'm here." Leia said, thankful he still hadn't gotten his eyesight back. She'd be so embarrassed for him to see her like this.

Jabba's voice boomed over them, angry. 3PO translated: "His high exaltedness, the great, mighty, Jabba the Hutt; has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately."

"Oh good, I don't like long waits." Han spoke, a guard hit his back.

"You will therefore be taken to the dune sea," 3PO continued, "and cast to the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc."

Twisted ➠ anakin skywalker x reader {2}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin