Chapter 9: The one that got away

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Kelly woke up. It was so silent, only her thoughts making a whispery sounds in the dull air. Am I dead? Am I alive?  She thought over and over, but I guess it didn't really matter anymore.

Kelly got up, and started walking. She was somewhere in between sleep and conciseness; floating between trees she hugged at the empty cracker packet. It had only been a couple of days and yet it felt like a lifetime.

"Help." She choked and suddenly tripped up over a root. She fell onto the ground and hit her leg. "Shit."

Suddenly she heard rustling.

She tried sitting up. She attempted getting up onto both legs, but that was about it. Where is my bag?

Her breathing increased as she tried to look around.

Suddenly a rabbit about 3 metres appeared in her view, she almost cried out in relief.

"Fuck you." She laughed and grabbed her bag off the floor behind her. She gabbed her hoodie and looked down at her leg to reveal a large bloody cut. "Oh man shit." She winced in pain as she started to wrap her thigh in her hoodie.

She tried to stand and limped over to the nearest tree.

"Okay Kelly it's going to be okay." She let go of the tree and continued walking. Now more awake she could concentrate on where she though the main road was.

Suddenly the sound of a car echoed from not that far away. Was it a dream? Was it the main road?

She tried walking faster. It hurt like hell but the though of possible survival seemed like the only important thing.

Then it hit her. What if it was them? Maybe they finally found them.

No its not possible in that time.

She just continued walking.


A twig broke behind her. Looking back there was nothing there. Was it her imagination? Was she going crazy?


She looked back again and started to walk a little faster.


Her heart started to beat faster.

Was it someone following her?

She started to cry now, running as fast as she could go with her damaged leg.

"Don't hurt me please, I wont tell anyone you took us I swear!" She shouted, not looking back.

She ran and without even looking at her feet, she tripped up again; this time landing face first.

After a few seconds, or maybe several minutes; Kelly woke up. Her head hurt as well as the stabbing pain in her leg. She looked around and no one was there. No more snaps of the twigs.

She lied back down and started crying again, her hands covering her face. Only this time she didn't notice the other snaps of twigs getting closer, the crunch of the leaves that approached her body on the floor.

"Kelly." A deep soft voice suddenly echoed from above her.

Kelly looked up and it felt like her heart exploded out of her chest.

It was Declan.

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