Chapter 18: False Endings

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She clambered out of the window, holding the baby to her chest as she frantically started to run round the hut.

"Come back you bitch." She heard one of the men call after her, "there ain't nowhere you can run." He laughed bitterly.

Suddenly an ear piercing scream echoed from the hut.

Kelly stopped and turned her head slowly towards the other hut window.

Chris was looking directly at her through the window. His hands were covered in blood. He pulled his rotten teeth into a wide grin as he held up Max by the collar to the window.

Kelly's breath stopped as Chris pushed Max's dead body up against the window, blood still gushing from the deep slit in his neck pouring onto the glass.

She could tell Chris was laughing behind the glass.

"I see you didn't run far." Declan slowly approached from around the corner.

Kelly, still in a broken state turned towards him as he came closer.

"Mmm, this seems familiar." He laughs and strokes her face, his other hand on her shoulder.

Suddenly Kelly stepped in close to him, so the baby in her arm was touching his chest.

Not saying anything she silently withdrew the knife from her pocket and plunged it into his stomach.

Shocked, he wobbled back and then fell into his knees, gripping the pouring wound.

Kelly stood and watched him for a minuet before walking up to him and searching his pockets.

A gun.

She grabbed it, shoving it in her jacket before walking away to the entrance of the hut.

"Oh Kelly."

She turned suddenly,  to find Chris and one other man behind him coming out the hut.

Kelly looked at the other man who appeared to be dragging something across the ground.

"Oh that yeah, we were just on our way to burn the remains." Chris said as the other man pulled it up.

It was Claire.

Her body was limp and her features distort with blood. Her clothes were soaked with blood from the multiple evident knife wounds in her chest and stomach.

"You know what." Chris said, suddenly turning around towards the other man.

He pulled out a gun and shot him exactly five time in the head. Not missing one bullet, the body fell on top of Claire's.

"Now it's just us Kelly." Chris turned and looked over at Kelly.

Kelly was shook, but stood still and looked down on the floor.

"This will be hard." Chris said, closing in.

Kelly looked up in confusion.

"I don't really want to kill you." He was now standing only a metre away, "but seeing as you and your family killed my crew, I need to get revenge on all of you."

"Maybe if you didn't kidnap us in the first place then they would all be alive." She spat on ground, "its all your fault really."

"Oh Kelly." He repeated.

"Don't 'oh Kelly' me" Kelly raised her voice, "just fucking kill me."

"Don't rush me Kelly." He stepped in a little closer.

"I always take my-" his voice was interrupted by a sudden gun shot.

He gasped and looked up at Kelly before crashing onto the ground.

Kelly opened up her scrunched up eyes and peered down at Chris's body, with a single bullet in his chest.

He was dead.

Kelly waited and just looked.

Waiting to see if it was really over.

She looked over at Claire and went over to her body, letting the tears fall down her face.

"I'm so sorry mum." She cried and knelt down with the baby, carefully shutting her mother's eye lids with her spare hand.

After a minuet or so, she slowly turned and headed in the direction of the tracks previously made by the truck.

She plodded along, still carrying the baby in her weak arms.

Hours past and Kelly's eyes kept fluttering between consciences and sleep.


"Mam?" A distant voice awakened Kelly out of her trance.

"Mam are you okay?" Kelly refocused her eyes onto the distant lights.

Blue lights.

"What's your name love?" Kelly looked up and recognised the familiar jacket.


"They took us." She gasped, "they killed my-my-" she stumbled.

"Okay sweety don't worry just calm down, you are safe now." She lead her to sit down near the multiple police cars, "we were called on a report of multiple heard gun shots, screams and a dead body found."

"Its my dad" Kelly managed to say.

"Okay shush now its okay."  She rubbed her shoulders, soothing Kelly's crying, "its all over now don't worry."

Kelly caught her breath and looked up at the officer.

"But it's never really over."

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