Chapter Thirty-Three (33)

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Tylers p.o.v

I walked up the stairs as calmly as I could, but I was aching to run, Shannon was waiting for me but honestly, she should just go.

Its been an hour after school and I still havent seen Owen come out of the doors. Even if he went through the back, I would still be able see him because were I was parked.

And it was starting to worry me; the new kid... Yah, he wasnt new. It was Owen, who died his hair... Black. And got unfucking believably skinny. He looked even worse than before.. Even though he didnt look bad before, but his attitude the aura he gave off. It was much darker, and depressed.

I ran throughout the whole school, checking closets, classrooms, bathrooms, the old stairs.

But I couldnt find him.

"Fuck!" I yelled. Burying my hands in my hair, running them over my face in frustration.

I was walking to the gym, not knowing were else to check; I started walking down the hall were the old locker rooms were, but stopped. I felt like something was trying to draw my attention to it.

Slowly, I walked toward the old boys locker room. Hearing the shower running. Who the hell uses this locker room. The principle is stupid enough to keep the electricity and water running. I swear to god.

But then it dawned to me, it might be Owen and he might be OK. Should I go in? Maybe he is OK and is just like showering.... ?

Yah, screw that. I opened the door and it smelled metallic. I covered my nose with my arm and slowly walked into the changing room, room.

My arms wildly flailing beside me, I caught my balance before I fell. Looking down through the mild steam, there was red liquid. My eyes shooting wide when I noticed it was blood. My head snapped into the direction of the shower stalls.

A body laid limp in the middle of the stalls.

I ran half way up to it and noticed it was Owen. Blood was his new skin. My mouth dropped open and I dropped to the floor, tears finding there way out of my eyes when I examined his body.

A sob left my throat. The way he was...

It was.... Who the hell could do this to someone, to a human.

He had two fingers in himself, his legs wide open. Blood coming from every where, he was deadly skinny, and his face... It was just, its like unnoticeable.

I pulled his pointer and middle finger out of himself and closed his legs, then pulling his him onto my lap, silencing myself, trying to listen for his breath. But there was none there.

My phone was out of my pocket in a blink of an eye, 911 was dialed,

"911, Clayton speaking whats your emerg-"

"You have to send an ambulance to the local high school, please. Im begging you" I cried into the phone, cutting off the guy,

"OK, were sending one now, may I ask what happened?"

"Theres not time for that, just hurry up hes going to die" I sobbed, biting my arm. "He cant die, please dont let him die" I begged, hugging him to me. Removing his blood soaked bangs out of his face, continuing to wipe it off , then dropping my phone. "Shit" I swore loudly, hanging up the phone and putting it in my picket.

Taking off my sweater and placing it over Owens bruised lower half, I wiped the blood off his face, and kissed him on the lips lightly, it felt so good, but yet so wrong.

"Dont leave me" I kissed his forehead, "Dont go" I whispered, kissing his nose, "Dont go" I said again, kissing his nose, "Dont go" I finally said pecking his lips again,

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