Bonus Chapter!

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anyway, it's pretty obvious i don't own harry and draco in this and everything goes to the queen herself: J

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anyway, it's pretty obvious i don't own harry and draco in this and everything goes to the queen herself: J.K Rowling.

BOLD = Fanfiction

Normal = Damien

Italics = Eva

Bold Italics = Serena

The Red Scarf by evathesmolbean

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The Red Scarf by evathesmolbean


Damien: You're starting it with dialogue? That's so ugh.

Eva: There's nothing wrong with starting it out with dialogue, you twat. Don't be such a stickler for conventions. IT'S FANFICTION.

Damien: Okay, OKAY. JEEZ, WOMAN.

Eva: Exactly. Now, ahem. Back to the story.

Harry halts in his track, his right foot forward of his left, and his blood runs cold at the sound of a familiar voice- his voice- calling his name in that signature complacent drawl of his, oozing aristocratic snobbery and smugness. Immediately, Harry arranges his features into an expression of utmost dislike.

"What, Malfoy?" Harry spits out, not even the slightest bit guilty when his voice comes out cold, mechanical and abrasive.

Damien: Ooh, big word.

Eva: Shut up, Mr. Fanceh. Or you'll be taking the couch tonight.

Serena: OOH, savage.

Damien: Serena! Where did you come from?

Serena: Your asshole. The door, where else?

Eva: Hiya, Serene-bean.

Serena: S'up. What you kids up to?

Damien: uM KID? We're the same age as you.

Serena: It's an expression, Jesus. I call everybody a kid.

Damien: Even Theo?

Serena: Who?

Damien: Franklin.

Teen Helpline [#1 of the Helpline Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now