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I was awoken for the third time today, yet not by Elliott shouting at me to wake up, or by Corey diving on me to wake me up, not even due to Luke ripping the covers off me, but instead from the sound of rain. Typical British weather!

Looking out of my window, the rain was falling heavily, yet it was somewhat peaceful to stand at the window for a few moments watching it. I find the rain peaceful to watch, it calms me

Still in my onesie, I headed downstairs, to my surprise all my brothers were awake and watching televison

"Good afternoon sleepy head" Elliott teased

"Afternoon?" I gasped "What time is it?"

Luke showed me the time on his phone "1pm, you slept for ages!"

I laughed "I dont know how! I didnt realise I was that tired. It was actually the rain waking me up"

"Good job then, because I was coming up in five minutes to wake you up" Elliott replied, and he doesnt always wake me up in the nicest of ways "Typical 17 year old you are"

Luke and I sat beside each other on the sofa, I rested my legs on his and laid down as we watched an old episode of "Who wants to be a millionaire"

"You best not be off to sleep missy" Corey commented "You wont sleep tonight"

I raised my hands in defence "I'm just laid down"

As we watched the programme, it was interesting to think that some of these contestants do actually make it to the £1,000,000 question, and walk away with the money. Imagine what you could do with a million pounds

"Guys, whats the first thing you'd buy with a million?" Elliott asked

I thought about my answer

"A car" Corey blurted out "So I dont have to rely on you to drive me anywhere Elliott, because you charge me sometimes and its annoying!"

"Hey I am not your personal driver little bro" Elliott replied "It's the rule now, that I'm starting to make you pay because hey fuel is hella expensive"

"You are Ell, that's what older brothers are for" I giggled, rewording his comment from yesterday

Elliott laughed and stuck two fingers up at me

Luke spoke up "If I won a million, I'd put some away for when I'm older, and I'd give some to charity, and I'd buy..." he thought about his answer, scratching his head "I dont know what I'd buy"

"With one million, I'd buy some new clothes and shoes and makeup. I'd also pay for us four to go on a holiday together, like what mum does, but just us four. Maybe a week in New York, or Spain...I haven't thought about where!" I stated my answer  "Not Brandon though!"

"Why not Brandon?" Elliott asked, protecting the older sibling

I shrugged "I dunno, he doesnt live with us"

"He's still one of our siblings though" Luke added

Why is everyone backing him up?!

I huffed "Fine! He's invited too"

Amongst us, we all had good choices, and I do often ponder what I would buy if I had one million pounds. I guess for many its all a dream, yet for a select few - its a reality

The guy we were watching was sat with £64k, and was debating his answer, 'In which country would you find Mount Kilimanjaro?'

A - Tanzania
B - Mozambique
C - Zambia
D - Zimbabwe

"I'd be screwed if this was me" Corey commented, "I mean the poor guy has no lifelines anywhere! Where even is Mount Kilimanjaro?"

Elliott laughed "That's the point of the question idiot, where is it!"

"A" I said aloud "It's in Tanzania"

My three brothers all looked at me in unison

"How do you know that?" Elliott asked

I shrugged "I did GCSE geography, we learned about it"

"She's right. Infact, it's the tallest mountain on the African continent, and the highest free standing mountain in the world! The mountain itself has three volcanic cones -" Luke began to explain, but was interrupted by Elliott

"How on earth do you know all that Lukey?" Elliott asked his younger brother

Luke smiled "Well, considering I do A Level Geography, and we had to do a project on a mountain, which I did on Kilimanjaro, AND my friend's brother has climbed it, I know quite a bit"

"Weirdo" Corey teased "Its a weird thing to know loads about. I chose History because I don't want to learn about Mount Kili-whatever it is"

"OKAY, can we hear what this contestant is going to say?" I said, louder than I wanted to "Please"

We stayed silent as the contestant spoke up his answer

"Well, I did climb it back in 2016, so I'm going to say A, Tanzania. Final answer"

Chris Tarrant, the host of the show paused for dramatic effect, then replied to the answer "Mike, you had £32,'ve now got £64,000!"

The audience erupted in applause for Mike

"Told you!" Luke and I grinned, in unplanned unison giving each other a high five

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