thirty one

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As I made my way to the kitchen to take out the food from the oven, my mind rushed to Alexa. I hope she's eaten something...

Pulling the oven door, I brought out the chicken and chips that had been cooking and dished them out onto plates, which I then put on the table

"Guys, come get food" I called out

My brothers all came rushing in and took a seat each at the table. We had decided today to all eat together at the table as a family, however, it didn't feel right as we had a spare seat where Alexa should have been

"I don't know how to feel about this whole situation with Alexa. I've had it on my mind all day" Elliott admitted

I scratched my head "What's angered me the most is the way she reacted. She's not a stupid kid like that, she knows she should NOT be fighting"

Corey and Luke made eye contact with one another, almost as if they were sending telepathic thoughts

"Look, let's do what Ells suggested and ring the police tomorrow morning if she hasn't returned" I stated "It's the best thing to do. We don't know where she could be"

"I'm kinda worried about her" Luke said, shyly

I furrowed my brows and questioned him "Why?"

He looked up at me and bit his lip, something he usually did when he was nervous or upset in situations "Shes our baby sister, she could be in danger"

I brushed it off "Nah, she'll be alright"

"But will she? We're not always that nice to her..I feel bad, I wouldn't like it if I was her and had us as older brothers, have you thought about how badly we treat her sometimes?" Elliott spoke softly, like he was trying to lecture us

My fist hit the table "Be quiet, Elliott. She deserves it for acting childish"

He sighed and softly shook his head "I don't agree with you, so I'm going to look for her tomorrow, fuck ringing the police, they won't do anything! I want to find her myself"

I brushed off his words and ignored them. Elliott acts like 'good cop' some of the time which really really annoys me, he's supposed to be on OUR side, not Alexa's!


I settled myself down under the bridge, sitting down and crossing my legs as I watched the few cars drive past. I only came here so I could have proper shelter, whereas up in the hills it's dangerous as it's steep and has no proper footpath, meaning I could easily have fallen in my sleep, as I do sleepwalk sometimes

I pushed my back against the wall I was sat up against, it was cold and made me shiver slightly. I planned on staying here for the night, just hoping I would be safe and could get at least a few hours sleep. I know it won't be as comfortable as my bed back home, but hey it's all I have at the minute

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I checked the time; 8:49pm. Time flies when you're on your own and have nobody with you...

My wounds had stopped hurting, but I could see in the reflection of my phone that my bruised face stood out. I looked awful, I felt awful, I felt so small compared to everything around me, like I was a child again

Checking through my Facebook, I saw that Matt had uploaded a photo with Abbie, they were smiling and wrapped in each other's arms. It was uploaded an hour ago, captioned "my girl❤️". I clicked on his profile and unfollowed him. I don't want that in my life

Third person POV

The two oldest brothers sat in the garden having beers, on the outside, Brandon didn't seem too bothered that his little sister was missing; compared to the twins and Elliott who seemed to be worried. They had decided they wouldn't ring the police, as Elliott had claimed he wanted to find her himself, and that getting the police involved would mean questions would be asked, and it could lead to further investigation

Alexa fell asleep shortly after seeing Matt's picture, she was curled up in a ball, using her bag as a place to rest her head. She looked so innocent, so small, sending out subtle messages of "help me", but the cars that drove past didn't notice the little girl who was sleeping...

In a nutshell, she's a broken girl, her father never showed true love to his daughter, and having a mother who constantly leaves you at home is hard to deal with. Deep down, she loves her brothers, but she doesn't like their controlling, angry outbursts they push onto her, she just wants to have that sibling bond where they're cool with each other, where she's not walking on egg-shells around them, and where she can act like a normal 17 year old

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