Chapter 44

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Hello lovely people! Sorry for the late update. This month is seriously super hectic but I hope you enjoyed the playlist that I posted earlier! Oh and happy belated diwali to all those who celeberated and happy belated halloween. I was stuck in school on halloween so I didn't do much. Let me know how you guys are doing and to all the silent readers, please vote and comment you guys! Your support means so much more than you can ever imagine! I hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote if you liked it! Thankkkuuu! xoxo


"Okay I have prepared a list, I have one hundred and forty-seven people so far" I heard my mother from the kitchen as I walked downstairs.

'For what?' I grabbed an apple and walked over to my mother.

'For the Nikkah ceremony' She explained.

'Ammi, that's a lot of people. I think we should only invite few people' I insisted.

'Laila, you are my only daughter. Let me fulfill my dreams' She sounded hurt.

'I just don't want you to get tired with all the preparations' I told her.

'That's why we are here' I heard Sobia entering our kitchen along with Rafay.

I ran and hugged Sobia.

'Oh Sobia, I was about to call you...I missed you' I was so happy to see her.

' I see how it is' Rafay joked.

'Opps, I mean you too Rafay' I laughed.

'Alright enough with the talks, we have five hours before your hubby...oh I mean your to be husband gets here with his family and we need to go shopping and to the parlor' Sobia clapped her hands and grabbed my hand.

'I have plenty of clothes and I can get ready here' I tried to get out of her grip but she was just too stubborn to let go.

'No no can't say anything. You have to follow me and do as I tell you, right aunty?' Sobia giggled.

'Of course, listen to Sobia Laila, she is in charge today' Ammi nodded and winked at her.

'And what about you mister? Are you also joining us?' I asked Rafay with a grin on my face.

'Oh yes, I could use a manicure' He shook his head, playing along.

'Nah, he has to go to and file some paperwork for the hall that we just booked for our wedding ceremony' Sobia blushed.

'Oh nice, I want to see the venue too' I teased her.

'Once thing at a time little one, once we're done with your wedding you can help us out with ours' He laughed and head out the door.

'C'mon now stop wasting time and let's go' Sobia grabbed my jacket and bag and literally pushed me out the door.

We spent almost three hours at the mall trying out different outfits and shoes. Whereas I was seriously exhausted from walking around, Sobia was still very hyper and energized. Finally, Sobia spotted a beautiful red and blue dress for me and we settled for it. She then took me the parlor where I had to sit for more hours and get facials and other self-pampering stuff done. Honestly even sitting there was making my back hurt, I was so not used to it.

'How do you feel?' Sobia asked once the facial was done and some girl started doing my makeup.

'Great' I rolled my eyes and Sobia and the makeup artist laughed.

Just then my phone rang, and since I was plastered on a seat and couldn't get up to pick it, Sobia kindly answered the phone and brought it to me.

'Its your to be...' She giggled and handed the phone over to me.

'Hello.' I said in a quiet voice.

'Hi' I heard Farid's voice and I smiled.

He didn't say anything so I spoke again.

'You there?'

'Yeah, I don't know why I called. Just wanted to hear your voice. Are you outside?'

'Yeah I am out with Sobia, getting hair and makeup done' I said in an annoying voice and he laughed at my misery while Sobia showed me her tongue.

'I don't want to sound cheesy but you honestly don't need any of that my angel' Could someone pinch me? Was it happening in real?

'You do sound cheesy' I laughed so hard that even the girl who was doing my makeup gave me a weird look.

'Dammit, I guess I have turned into one of those lost in love type of guys...well you'll just have to deal with it and listen to these type of cheesy pickup lines for the rest of your life Mrs. Farid Ibrahim' I could tell he was smiling too.

'We need to do your hair' The makeup girl spoke again, giving me a signal that it's time to hang up the phone.

'Give me a minute' I mouthed her and she nodded and went to get some more tools and products to use on me.

'What are you doing?' I asked Farid.

'Thinking about you, I feel like that's all I do these days'

'Oh boy, I better prepare myself to get used to these pickup lines of yours, no but seriously, what are you actually doing?' I asked him.

'It's a surprise'

'Fine, I'll just have to make your talk when you come over tonight, you won't be able to keep your secret away from me much longer mister'

'I am looking forward to that Mrs. Ibrahim' He replied.

'Not yet, I still have some time left before I become yours, Mr.Farid Ibrahim' I teased.

'Oh, so you're not mine right now?' He teased back.

'I was yours since the day I met you' I smiled, blushing.

'And I was yours, I'll see you tonight. Love you' He uttered before ending the call.

'Oh my gosh you look like a tomato' I heard Sobia from across the room.

'What?' I shouted.

'You are blushing so hard, what did he say?' Sobia took my phone and put it back in the bag.

'None of your business' I pulled out my tongue and winked at her and she laughed.

'Farid is going to lose his mind once he sees you, you look like an angel' She whispered

'Thank you for doing this for me' I said quickly as the makeup girl returned back with hair products and started working with my hair.

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