Chapter 46

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Hey guys, this story will soon be coming to an don't worry it's not that soon but it's on its way. As some of you may already know, this is my first book and it will always be very special for me. I am thinking about turning this into a that something that you guys will be interested in? Let me know, if not then I will start on a new story that I have already thought of. So just let me know what kind of stuff you are into and any recommendations that you have. If you don't want to comment here, then send me a quick message separately. 

Don't forget to leave a comment, vote and share this story! love you :)


Farid stopped his car in front of the same park where I confessed my feelings to him. I didn't say anything, I just waited until he got out of the car and walked over to open the car door for me.

'Thanks' That's all I managed to say. It wasn't easy coming back to the place where I was first rejected by my love, even if it was out of love that he felt for me.

I walked straight ahead to the same fountain and dropped my hand into the icy water that was flowing there gracefully.

'Why did you bring me here?' I asked when I heard Farid's footsteps coming from behind.

'To undo my wrongs' He answered genuinely.

'You already have' I turned around to meet his tired eyes.

'It's not enough' He sat down on one of the benches and so did I. In a far away corner, I saw young children and their families ice skating. The atmosphere in the park was so calm and joyful.

'Is this the surprise?' I asked him to get his mind off of things that were troubling his heart for some unknown reasons.

'No, it's not's up there' He pointed towards the sky and when I followed his fingers, I saw beautiful twinkling stars that looked magical.

'And now one of it is yours' He spoke again and pulled out an envelope for me to read. It was a certificate from a star registry stating my name.

'How did you know ....' I said and looked at him again through my watery eyes.

'That you love stars?' He pretended to look as if it was a huge puzzle for him.

'C'mon...tell me' I light punched his arm.

'I noticed all the glow in the dark stars that you had on the ceiling of your room and some books on astronomy and space science in your I figured you might like it' He scooted closer and held me chin.

'What?' My voice became lower and suddenly I began to feel warmer in the middle of cold weather.

'Did you like it?' His eyed drifted away from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes.

I nodded.

'How much did you like it?' He came in closer and there was hardly any space available between us.

Before he could cast another one of his love spells on me, I quickly picked up some snow from the ground and threw it at him.

'I like it this much' I yelled and started running, hoping he would chase me and he did...because I could hear his sweet laughter as he ran after me.

The next couple of moments Farid and I spent doing ice skating in the park. Although I wasn't as Farid, he still held on to me the entire way. I guess this is what going on a date feels like. Funny enough, I got married first then went on a date and now in few days I will remarry my husband whom I went on my very first date with. If that's not crazy, then I don't know what is.

'Did you have fun?' Farid asked me when it was time for him to leave with his parents from my house.

'Tons, thank you' I giggled and he winked at me.

'We'll see you on Sunday my dear' Mrs.Ibrahim approached from behind and passed me a gift bag, saying that it's from her and Mr.Ibrahim. A gift for a new bride.

'Thank you' I went in to hug her, although I was afraid she was going to hesitate but she didn't. Instead, she hugged me back normally and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Farid rolling his eyes that made me laugh.

'Bye Laila Baji' Ruba also came running towards me and I embraced her tightly.

'Are you and Farid Bhai going to come and live with us?' The sweet princess asked, she really missed spending her time with Farid.

'Of course we will' I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her cheeks.

'For a little while' Farid added as he joined us.

'Or maybe longer' I cheerfully said before Ruba's face could turn into a frown.

Farid glared at me and I smiled widely at him to piss him off some more, cause why not right?

'Alright aunty, thank you for having us. Let me know if you guys need anything' Farid told my mother before leaving.

'Everything is taken care of beta, but thank you. I will inform you if there is anything' She gave him her blessing and just like that out of nowhere he hugged my mother.

'Thank you for giving me your piece of heart, I will cherish and love her forever' He whispered in a low voice so only my mother and I could hear it. Everyone else was out in the driveway anyways.

'I know you will take care of her' She patted her shoulder before letting him go.

'Take care of my bride while I am away' He cockily yelled once he got inside the car and Mr.Ibrahim told him to be quiet.

'He is a crazy one I tell you' My mother murmured as she shut the door and we all came inside the living room.

'I love crazy' I replied without thinking and instantly regretted it. Dammit, Farid's corky responses were rubbing off on me.

Instead of giving me a serious mom look, my mother surprised me and started laughing hysterically and I joined her.

LailaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon