Ch.14: Family Reunion

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This chapter is gonna be a little different. You'll understand why near the end of it.

Ashley's Point of View

"Okay, now just slowly start speeding up." Sam instructed me. I watched the speed dial slowly go up to 65. "Okay, good. Now pull off there. We should probably switch before Dean wakes up. He'd shoot me if he learned I let you drive his car." Sam pointed to my sleeping father in the backseat. I nodded, pulling off to the side of a lake. When we stopped, Sam jumped out of the car, and leaned against the hood while brushing his teeth. When Dean sat up, I quickly unbuckled and jumped to the passengers seat. While he rubbed his eyes, I got out of the car, stretching my legs. I watched as Dean tried to get out of the car, but almost fell when he open the door. "Good morning, sunshine." I laughed at his lack of grace. "Hey. How'd you sleep?" Sam laughed, too. "How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast."  "Where? We're like two hours from anything."  "But I'm hungry now." "Now that I think about it, I'm hungry too." We whined. "There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat." Sam said. Dean immediately reached for the brown paper bag, and opened it. I watched him sniff it, then whip his head away from the smell, "It's tuna." A phone rang in the car, causing Dean to reach in the car and rummage through the glove box. "Isn't that Dad's phone?" Sam asked. Dean flipped open the phone, pressed a button, and put it against his ear in one motion. I stepped closer, listening to the conversation. "Hello?"  "Uh, is this John?" The young man asked, causing Dean to step away from me so I couldn't hear anymore. "He can't come to the phone. Can I help you? ...Well, sorry to be the one to break this to you, pal, but John died more than two years ago." This caused Sam look at my father. "Who is this?"  I watched as Dean's eyes harden. I slowly got in the backseat of the car.

We parked the car outside of Cousin Oliver's Hilltop Cafe in Windom, Minnesota. We all got out. "Dean, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real." Dean opened the trunk, then pulled open the secret compartment full of weapons. "Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout." Sam read from a paper as Dean pulled out a bunch of weapons. "Graduated from high school with honors and currently goes to the University of Wisconsin—biology major, pre-med."  "He's even had a Myspace for a couple years. Posts every week or so." I added. "Dean? You listening?"  "This is a trap." Dean muttered. "Ashley, stay in the car." "What? No. I'm hungry. And there's food in there." I pointed to the restaurant. "I'll order you food, and if it turns out he's not a creep, I'll text you when you can come inside." Sam told me. I nodded, getting back in the car. 

Not even 10 minutes after the boys went in, I got a text from Sam. 'Come in'. I immediately walked in, pulling a chair next to the man. "Hi, I'm Ashley." I greeted. "Sorry, this is my daughter." Dean awkwardly coughed as Adam nodded. "I'm, uh, Adam." After a few seconds, he started to talk. "He would swing by about once a year or so. You know, called when he could. But still..." I heard the uncocking of a gun, making me give Dean a knowing look. "He taught me poker and pool and even bought me my first beer when I was fifteen. And, uh...he showed me how to drive. Dad, he had this beautiful 'sixty-seven Impala-" When Adam mentioned Deans baby, he snapped. "Oh, this is crap. You know what, you're lying." "No, I'm not." Adam seemed truly offended. "Uh, yeah, you are." I kicked Dean, making him look at me. I gave him a look, telling him to stop being a child. "I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to call me a liar?"  "We're John Winchester's sons, that's who." He pointed to himself, then Sam, "We are his sons." Adam just stared at Sam and Dean. "Thank you." I said to the waitress, Denise, as she dropped off my food. "Need anything to drink, sweetie?" She asked. "No thank you." I smiled at her before she left. "I've got brothers?" "No, you don't have brothers. Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter or what kind of game you're playing here."  "I have never been hunting in my life."  "Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, guys." Dean gets up and goes to leave, but I stayed put. "Ashley. Now." "I'm starving though!" I whined. "I can prove it." Adam interrupted, causing Dean to reluctantly sit back down as I stuffed my face with food.

We parked outside of Adams house, and got out, following Adam to the front door when my phone started to ring. "I gotta take this." I excused myself, going to the car, sitting on the trunk. "What's up?" I greeted Samantha over the phone. "Not much. Just want the scoop. Is there really another Winchester boy?" She asked. "Yeah. He's uh, younger than Sam by 7ish years. And from what I've learned, he's a bigger nerd than Sam too. He's pre-med." I told her. "Hey, maybe I should get with this Winchester too." She laughed. "Wait, what?" I asked. "What?" She also asked. "What do you mean by 'another'?" I asked. "Oh, would you look at that. I have to go." She said, then hung up. I snapped my phone shut, going inside. "Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing."  "Yeah." I headed towards my uncles voices. "How long has she been gone?" I asked. "Three days."  "Who was the last person to see her?"  "Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday."  I watched Dean as he picked up a picture of John and a girl, who I guess is Adams mom, Kate. "Did you call the police?"  "Mom's supervisor at the hospital did. And then I drove down here as fast as I could." Adam paused, "I should have been here."  "What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say?" Dean asked, putting the picture of John and Kate down. "That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything." He paused again, "She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know?" All of a sudden, his phone rang. "Sorry, this is my fiancee." He said, walking to a different room. "How does it feel knowing you little brother is getting married before you?" I joked. Dean lightly hit my arm with the back of his hand. "Shut up. And speaking of calls, who was that on the phone with you earlier?" Dean asked. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I thought of the thing Sami said on the phone earlier. "It was Sami." "No it wasn't. Sam was with me." Dean got really confused. "Singer." I clarified. I watched him blush a little, and I got grossed out. "Oh, that's nasty." I told him, shaking my head. "Sorry about that. My fiancee said she finally got to town." He explained. "Do you mind if we take a look around?" Dean asked. "Sure, go ahead." Adam said. "Can you look up what Dad was doing here the first time?" Sam asked me, making me nod.

"Sam!" "What?" I showed him what I found, and he grabbed my laptop, going to show Dean. I followed him just in time to see him and Dean playing rock-paper-scissors. Dean threw his arms around in a tiny fit of rage. 

 I laughed at the sight of Dean crawling into the vent. "Why didn't I pick paper?" I faintly heard. Not even a minute later, I heard him come out. He gave Sam a barely noticeable look, and shook his head slightly. They told Adam to call the cops before we left. We got in the car, just as another car pulled up. As Dean started the car, I made eye contact with the person in the other car. And I knew who it was immediately. "Mom?" I whispered to my self.

The next chapter will definitely be in Ashley's P.O.V.

Comment if you want me to continue writing in Ashley's P.O.V. 


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